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Fire at Saudi’s Jeddah refinery


A raging fire has been reported at an oil depot in the Saudi city of Jeddah with Yemen’s Houthis rebels acknowledging they had launched a series of attacks on the kingdom. Saudi state media on Friday reported a string of drone and rocket attacks by Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi group and a huge plume of black smoke was seen rising in Jeddah which is due to host a Formula One race on Sunday. March 25


When Moon phases trigger major planetary aspects or bring them to the angles, those planetary aspects show themselves in events. In recent posts we saw how the Full Moon trigger of the Mars-Uranus square was the cause of the China aircrash and the India fire. In Jeddah, the last quarter Moon brings the Mars-Uranus square to the angles so that once again it is the immediate cause of the fire in the oil depot.


The Last Quarter Moon of Mar. 25 at [5cp] is conjunct the star Kaus Meridionalis, delta Sagittarii of the Archer often linked to war and military matters. More specifically here, the Archer’s arrow is the ancient equivalent of a modern missile. Besides this, the Moon is placed in the Indian lunar mansion Purvasadha. About this lunar mansion, Diana Rosenberg writes: Purvasadha was “favourable for destruction and burning”. 

Symbolically Mars-Uranus combination are times for self-renewal. Our goal now should be to create a situation of ongoing creative change in our lives so that we don't have to create either a sudden and total revolution or live with a situation that doesn't change at all. It is best not to wait until circumstances have become totally intolerable before we try to reform them It is only when we do not take action in situations that are crying out for change that external circumstances force us through “accidents” often caused by the impulsiveness or rashness of others.
