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Full Moon reveals lies about methane leaks at US petroleum operations


Oil and gas wells and pipelines in the state of New Mexico are emitting significantly larger amounts of methane than previous data had indicated, researchers from Stanford University have revealed. Methane is known to be one of the main contributors to global warming, many times more potent than carbon dioxide. March 26 


The phases of the Moon are among the most reliable indicators of events on earth especially when they align with the angles at any place. A New Moon or Full Moon can act as a local “step down transformer” for powerful energies generated by far away stars and planets that it aspects. The Full Moon of March 18 aligned with Neptune on the meridian in New Mexico. On a mundane level, astrologers connect Neptune to oil and gas. But the Neptune archetype symbolizes a far deeper principle. Writing about Neptune in previous posts, I explained how it forces us to face up to areas of our lives where we might be deceiving ourselves, exposing a blind spot or area of our life in which we have been deluded.


Of all planets Neptune is adept at undermining things from within. In the material world he causes things to decay. And on the spiritual level he will eat away at everything we believe in by discrediting and casting doubt on all that we hold to be true and sacred. But Neptune cannot undermine if he did not at the same time hold before us some ideal to be contrasted with its faulty reality. If a true reality is to be appreciated and outwardly realized then a false reality must be shown up for what it is. When we truly come to understand Neptune, we may find that he is actually the revealer of reality. 

Here the Full Moon on the MC is placed amid early stars of sidereal Virgo and the hind of the Lion. This is an area of poisonous gases. 

Zosma, Chort and Denebola are a triangle of stars that form the hind of the Lion. This area of late Leo is of foul breezes and smoke screens. [1] 

Think of this not just literally but also symbolically. Remember that the Full Moon also activates the Sibly Neptune (discussed in a previous post) which is conjunct the stars Alkaid and Denebola. About these stars, Nick Fiorenza writes: 

“ (they)…embody the diversionary tactics, usually of a grandiose scale and glamorous facade, a front large enough to draw attention away from what is really going on by making the masses believe the staged show is what is of extreme importance and of real issue hiding corruption at the highest of levels” 

All kinds of lies and deception are being revealed The green movement to move away from coal to natural gas was based on the premise that it was the cleanest non-renewable energy source – considering greenhouse gas emissions and their impact on the environment and climate change. In the light of the Standford University research is that true?


