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Japanese Schools Ban Ponytails


From the length of students’ socks to the color of their underwear, Japanese schools are infamous for their strict requirements on what pupils can wear. But one rule has drawn criticism for not just its absurdity but also the reason behind it. Motoki Sugiyama, a former middle school teacher, said school administrators told him that girls must not wear a ponytail because exposing the nape of their necks could “sexually excite” male students.


Presented here is the horoscope of Japan. Notice that the Ascendant [26cp] in hard working, conservative, rule oriented Capricorn describes the Japanese people quite well. The recent Venus-Mars-Pluto triple conjunction on the Ascendant can help explain the news. In astrology the combination of Venus-Mars is linked to sensuality, sexuality etc. When Pluto energies work negatively in Capricorn, we have a tyrant trying to control the healthy expression of these needs.

Moreover, Pluto transit is making a square aspect with radix Mercury [26li] , ruler of the 5th in the 3rd house (school children) and the centaur Cyllarus [26li]. About Cyllarus, Philip Sedgwick writes: 

Cyllarus epitomizes the sensuality known to be a desired part of the centaurian lifestyle. With the combination of a directing, soothing node in Taurus and the sensitivity seeking Piscean perihelion, the essence of gentle, tactile involvement in life comes about. The essence here promotes physical healing within the concept of creating positive, physical feelings of wellness.  

More specifically, Cyllarus’ perihelion is conjunct the star Markab of Pegasus, the winged horse. Elena Harris [1] informs us that among other things, the horse symbolizes strong emotions and passionate desires. A winged horse would therefore imply a kind of mastery over the animal self - mind you mastery not repression. Nick Fiorenza’s delineation of the star Markab brings this out very well. 

Markab also brings emphasis to how we physically participate and interrelate, and asks us to honor and respect the physical needs of the human body, to fully embrace our carnality. It also conveys that we are responsible for our physical metamorphosis and that it is up to us to refine ourselves to become able to rise from the degenerative human condition to one elevated in vibration. 


Confirning our analysis is the chart for the current New Moon drawn for Tokyo, Japan. As always, planets that aspect the angles are the ones to focus on. Here the Venus-Mars-Pluto triple conjunction makes a significant square to the meridian implying that its energies are focused on the place. Venus and Mars have been a team (conjunct) for the past couple of weeks, inspiring us to better integrate the yin (Venus) with the yang (Mars) principles in order to achieve greater harmony. When positively expressed, the triple conjunction can have the effect of squeezing superficiality out of our interactions and replacing it with truth and empowerment. Or negatively, we can always continue under the control of the powerful Capricorn energies that refuse to let go. That is a choice we must make. 



PS: Japan has recently announced that it will go along with the US in sanctioning Russia. The US Sibly Pluto [27cp] going through its return is conjunct Japan’s Ascendant [26cp]. Is it too diificult to see why Japan gave in to the US orders? A simple example of a negative response to Pluto in in to a tyrant. But we also have a positive example from another nation ...Saudi Arabia (15 Jan 1902; 3:45 GMT; Riyadh) Ascendant and Sun [24cp] whose rulers are refusing to sanction Russia. It is being reported that Prince Salman is not taking Biden’s calls.
