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New Moon calls for “allegiance to cosmic order”


The April newsletter from Astrodienst summarizes the essence of the upcoming New Moon thus: 

The Aries New Moon on April 1 is conjunct Mercury and Chiron. The deep wound that may now become visible also has to do with experiences far in the past. It is important to allow the grief and pain to be expressed, for acceptance of the hurt is a prerequisite for true healing. Many voices are now calling for peace to be made. However, Mars conjoins Saturn in Aquarius on April 5. Much ideological harshness, ignorance and delusion could become apparent. Where this tough facade of supposed superiority becomes brittle, powerlessness is revealed. Venus enters Pisces on the same day. She points to the path of uncompromising compassion. 

Sometimes just an example can illustrate how the cosmic energies work. A few days ago it was reported that members of the fanatic right wing Ukranian military had mistreated Russian prisoners of war, shooting them in the leg after capture. The latest news is that those members have been captured by Russian forces and are begging for their lives. Notice how this illustrates the “tough facade of supposed superiority becomes brittle, powerlessness is revealed”. 

General Shamanov, now the Chair of the State Duma's Defense Committee reports (in Russian) that ukie Nazis Sergei Velichko (handle Chili) and Konstantin Nemichev, who tortured Russian POWs, have been taken by Russian special forces and now float in their snot begging for forgiveness during interrogations by FSB. 

In this post I expand on the message of the New Moon by incorporating TNPs, Sabians etc. 

The April 1 New Moon [11ar30] is conjunct Mercury [9ar44] and forms a T-square with the TNPs Cupido [5cp29] - Hades [9cn54] - Kronos [12cn42]. 

A Cupido-Hades-Kronos combination implies a deterioration (Hades) in group unity (Cupido) because of differences of opinion (Kronos). Additionally Kronos is also laws so that group unity can decline because of narrowly applied laws. This is the case in the example above. The Ukro-Nazies apply their ideas of racial superiority so harshly that national unity declines leading to a war. This is the deep wound that must be healed. 

The TNP Cupido also refers to marriage so that with Kronos (laws) and Hades (past) we may also be looking at restrictive laws from the past connected to marriage and families. 

Now take a look at the Sabian symbol for Mercury [9ar44]. 


KEYNOTE: Revision of attitude at the beginning of a new cycle of experience. 

This phase is the fifth of the second five-fold sequence, and in it we find expressed the capacity to restate the problem inherent in the first phase, i.e. the problem of focusing one's energies upon emotional drives and cultural values which exclude far more than they include. The subsequent stages of development taken together have added considerably to this attitude; as a result, there arises in the consciousness a desire to reformulate at a new level much that had been taken for granted because it indeed originally had been an evolutionary necessity. The very concrete emotion-arousing images of the past can now be reinterpreted as "symbols" with a wider scope of meaning. 

The Sabian for the New Moon [11ar30] completes the picture. 


KEYNOTE: An idealistic reliance upon a mental image of universal order.

The wild goose is the mystical bird, hamsa, of Hindu tradition. This word, which has recurred in various cultures (the Hansa League of Germanic cities in the late Middle Ages, and El Hanza, the founder of the occult Brotherhood of the Druzes in Lebanon, during the era of the Crusades), has always had at least an undertone of integration at an expansionistic level, spiritual or economic. The Hindu hamsa was the symbol of man's transcendent soul. Thus, it symbolizes cosmic order, in contrast with the social-political order within a nation which is represented by its ruler. 

To explain this symbol better, Dane Rudhyar compares it with the previous symbol 


This symbol refers to the appearance of the (personal) ego as the central manifestation of a type of "order" which transcends and seeks to rule the emotional and instinctual drives of the individual person. Actually the ruler at this social-political and mental level of integration is often the one who is being ruled by collective pressures.... At this ego level, laws and the restrictive power of a police force are dominant features.

As we mature, we need to cast off previous models of reality and reinterpret past experiences, seeing them more clearly as metaphors having deeper meaning than we saw when we were previously absorbed in self-establishment. The New Moon emphasizes the need to graduate from “tribal consciousness” to  "cosmic consciousness”.


The Sabian Symbols; Dane Rudhyar


 PS: When we realize the essence of the New Moon, apparently unconnected events can be understood. If for a moment we imagine gold as symbolic of “cosmic currency” and the USD as a ponzi scheme enforced by a “King” (Uncle Sam), Tom Luongo’s article begins to make a lot of sense in the light of the New Moon.

