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The Green Party and Germany’s energy problem


On January 13, 1980, a new political party, The Greens, was founded in the central European nation (Germany). The Greens emerged from a wave of new social movements including environmentalism, anti-war, and anti-nuclear power. Suddenly, the anti-nuclear movement had a face. Since the party’s inception, The Greens have been concerned with the immediate halt of construction and operation of all nuclear power stations. As an alternative, they have promoted a shift to non-nuclear renewable energy sources such and solar and wind power. 

Politicians, CEOs, and other powerful figures fly their private jets to summits around the world each year to condemn the fossil fuel industry as a vile plague that must be destroyed at all costs. It matched the utopic vision that had been forced on me since I was a kid: if we drop fossil fuels tomorrow, the world becomes a better place. The thing is, reality doesn’t give a damn about what ‘could be’ and what ‘should be’. Reality doesn’t give a damn about utopia. Reality is reality.



Astrologers recognize that time has a quality best described by the planetary placements at any moment. Extending this reasoning, astrologers look at major mundane events around the time a new idea is born. 

In this post we look at two important mundane charts at the time the new political party, The Greens was founded. These are (a) the Capsolar of Jan.15, 1980 and (b) the solar eclipse of February 16, 1980


Here is the Capsolar (the sidereal Capricorn Ingress of the Sun) for Berlin. Notice the ingress Sun placed prominently on the MC making a square aspect (crisis) to Pluto/Poseidon in the 6th house. This house rules all essential services which make our life easier. This would include utilities like gas and elecricity.



The POWER OF NEW IDEAS, the ability to persuade with one's vision, the notion that IDEAS can be transformative and cathartic, the potential for one to "change their mind" UTTERLY and about many subjects -- --all that is strongly suggested for this combination. 

The 10th house Sun is the government so that the square to Pluto in the 6th suggests a transformation in the way the government thinks about essential services like gas and electricity. 

About Sun-Pluto, Steven Forrest writes: 

For Sun-Pluto people vitality is optimized in situations in which one’s actions are perceived as inherently meaningful..the simplest illustration being the notion of any kind of work that clearly contributes to some transcendent good in the world: feeding the hungry, guarding the environment etc. 

With the hard aspect between Sun-Pluto, there is often a high susceptibility to fanaticism. When activated they tend to force circumstances where the initial experience is often unpleasant. With Pluto now transiting over the Sun, we can see how Germany which was sold the environmentalism of the Greens is discovering its limitations. If anyone had bothered to look, the Capsolar contained a hint of what was to come. Take a look at the horizon axis. There we have a Hades-Uranus opposition. 


New ideas or "technological advances." (Uranus) are faulty or erroneous (Hades). 

With Hades-Uranus-Venus completing a Grand Cross with the nodes, values (Venus) based on faulty technological ideas (Hades-Uranus) can potentially create a problem for the group or society (Nodes). The upcoming lunar eclipse [25sc-25ta] of May 16 aligns with the radix Capsolar Hades-Uranus on the horizon axis. In addition the eclipse Saturn [24aq] squares radix Uranus [25sc]. 

In a previous post Saturn square Uranus: Change or disruption [1], I wrote: 

Saturn and Uranus possess contrasting qualities, including how the consolidating contraction of Saturn that builds enduring structures can come into conflict with the accelerated vision of Uranus that resists restrictions and insists on making innovative changes to the status quo. 

The hard Saturn-Uranus alignments are periods of growth and change but that doesn’t mean all change is good. When you embrace change for its own sake it often means nothing really changes because it’s too superficial. It’s also important to recognise the difference between old structures that are good and useful and necessary, and those that are worn out. If you don’t, you could end up getting rid of things you need. 

Fast forward to 2022, the Greens have entered government. They will be in power to see Germany's last nuclear power plant being shut down, thus winning a battle that was part of the party's founding goals. With sanctions on Russian gas, threatening the German economy, will the Greens be pragmatic to revise their “fanatical” environmentalism and restart the nuclear plants (ruled by Pluto!)


Next we look at the chart for the total solar eclipse of February 16, 1980 drawn for Berlin. The eclipse is prominently placed in the 11th house with the South Node in Aquarius forming a Grand Cross with Hades-Uranus. 

11th house in mundane astrology 

Long term national programs and schemes for improvement. Campion, Baigent and Harvey state: "we may also consider it relates to a society's collective long-term hopes, wishes, ambitions and ideals" 

Once again as before, new ideas or "technological advances." (Uranus) are potentially faulty or erroneous (Hades). And don’t miss out Saturn - “the headmaster of the school of hard knocks” - moving over the eclipse degree and squaring Uranus. 

The Saturn-Uranus square shows tension between the changes that need to happen and the obstacles, roadblocks, and resistance to that change. Saturn says “You must” do whatever the squared planet represents– in this case, you must wake up, face the truth, address the breakdown, break away from a bad situation, or fix what isn’t working. 


[1] Saturn square Uranus: Change or disruption
