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The Pluto Full Moon



 Astrology King has this to say about the Full Moon. 

The full moon in Libra on April 16, 2022, square Pluto brings tests and challenges of an extreme and intense nature. So the spiritual meaning of the full moon April 2022 astrology is addressing your darkest feelings, habits, and reactions. There are also positive influences on the April 2022 full moon. This means you can free yourself of bad habits, obsessions and compulsions. This will lead to healing from a positive transformation of your emotions and relationships. 

Full Moon square Pluto can lead to compulsive and destructive behavior as deeply buried feelings are exposed. Emotional power struggles are possible and may become quite ruthless. Jealousy, manipulation, guilt-tripping, bullying, sexual abuse, or domestic violence may be involved. Such intense emotions and reactions may become difficult to control and lead to a personal crisis. This aspect is also associated with spying and other invasions of privacy. Confronting family secrets may be revealed, or your own secrets or embarrassing habits may be exposed in public. Although sometimes very painful, gaining awareness of destructive Pluto influences can be healing, with opportunities to transform and evolve. The Moon trine Mars and Saturn make this easier. It also makes this a good full moon to eliminate bigotry, racism, fears and phobias, addiction, sexual problems, and unhealthy relationships.

In this post, I examine the stars of the Full Moon. Obviously their energies are stirred by the powerful Pluto aspect. 

About the stars Spica and Archturus, Nick Fiorenza writes: 

The Full Moon conjoins Spica, alpha Virginis and Archturus, alpha Bootes. The body of Boötes stands between the pure lucida of the Virgin (Spica) blocking the attempted manipulations of the old totalitarian and corrupt world powers.Bootes is often depicted as a protector of the helpless Virgin. In a strange coincidence the stars opposite Spica and Archturus are linked to the story of the chained Princess Andromeda and her rescuer the hero Perseus. 

The first half of sidereal Libra, which I dub "Under the Skirt of the Virgin," is about cover-ups, about the veiled or hidden truth regarding the intimate balance that is essential between the feminine and masculine principles. (think of this broadly as also referring to the polarization between the ruler and the ruled).  It also implies political-religious role in this obscuration of truth--whether deliberately created by the political-religious powers that be, or simply being inherent due to how religious belief structures have evolved over time. 

The Archturus-Spica longitude (at the Virgo-Libra cusp) defines the overall directive of this area of the zodiak, specifically Archturus, alpha Bootes. Boötes stands against the fallen corrupt totalitarian world powers that have demonstrated the inability over and again to ensure evolutionary fulfillment, with the continual destruction of the peoples of the Earth and typical catastrophic outcomes. 

Having understood the dynamics of these stars how do we factor in, the square to Pluto. From Astrology King’s quote above we get a feel of how the energy of the square can manifest. More specifically refer to his hint at the positive manifestation - a healing of relationships. Let us also recall that Pluto is transiting through Saturn ruled Capricorn. Correctly used, this transit allows us the transformative option of bringing more of our Pluto potential into a concrete, workable form. It also brings emphasis to address patterns of avoidance or fears to relinquish diminishing modes of living, or fabricating reasons justifying disempowerment and inaction by blaming external conditions. It requires determination and conviction to willingly choose to live authentically and from true heart's passion. We then get to manifest some of what has been typically kept under wraps because of hidden fears, internal taboos, shame, intimidation or simply ignorance of our potential. 

Can we see the thread linking this Pluto/Capricorn energy to the Spica-Archturus Moon. Symbolically speaking the innocent and helpless Virgin (whether an actual individual or the supine masses in general) must wake up and struggle if this Full Moon is to potentially manifest in their lives.


Finally, I leave readers with some food for thought. I simply note that the Full Moon axis aligns with the meridian both at Delhi and Islamabad. 
