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Andrew Symonds dies at lunar eclipse



 Andrew Symonds, the former Australia all-rounder, has passed away following a car crash near the outskirts of the city of Townsville on Sunday. He was 46 and is survived by wife Laura and two young children.


Eclipses can be bad omens for the famous. The death of Andrew Symonds can serve as an example. At Townsville where Symonds died, the eclipse Moon is  placed in the mundane 3rd house.

 For eclipse in 3rd house, H.S.Green has:

Accidents in travelling by railway, moto car, aviation or otherwise. 

The eclipse is sextile Pluto in the 5th house which rules sports and entertainment and by association sport stars. Moreover Pluto [28cp] is conjunct the asteroid Orpheus [28cp] linked to death [1]. 

In a 90 degree sort we have: Eclipse = Mercury/Uranus =Saturn 

Mercury is fast enough, and when Uranus joins Mercury, things often go too fast or ...there is the risk of a sudden 'jam' or crash. Mercury-Uranus afflictions are 'traditional' indications for the risk of traffic accidents (but not the only ones and not alone...!). In general, Mercury-Uranus excellerates or disturbes the mind (and mouth) and vehicles, too. 

Now add Saturn (restrictions, boundaries) to Mercury/Uranus and you can visualize a speeding car hitting a road divider which is what is being reported as the cause of the accident. 

Not convinced that it is indeed Pluto-Orpheus in the 5th house of the eclipse chart that is signalling the death of a sports star, just take a look at the event chart for the accident. Notice that the Pluto-Orpheus-Vulcanus opposition aligns with the horizon at 10:30 pm the reported time of death (coincidence?). Regular readers will be aware that the diurnal movement of an “offending configuration” will often bring it to an alignent with the angles at the time of an event. 

Finally, we note that Andrew Symonds (b. 9 June 1975) has his natal Sun [18ge] conjunct the stars of Auriga, the Charioteer - the ancient symbol of hot rodding! 

“Character is destiny,” is a quote attributed to the Greek philosopher, Heraclitus. This quote implies that destiny, or fate, is not a predetermined outside force, but that one’s future, or destiny, is determined by his own inner character.


