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Cake Thrown On Mona Lisa Painting


An attention-seeking climate change activist was filmed attacking the Mona Lisa inside the Louvre Museum on Saturday. The incident stunned nearby onlookers, who filmed the vandalism of the priceless Leonardo da Vinci famed masterpiece.


While eclipses are worldwide in their scope, they are specifically active in places where they occupy the horizon or meridian. At Paris, the Total Lunar Eclipse of May 16 fell very significantly on the horizon. In Scorpio, the Moon in her fall feels things intensely and deeply, necessitating a descent into buried emotions. It is potentially capable of unleashing overwhelming emotional tides of the psyche. In this case it released suppressed or repressed primal anger. 

The eclipse Sun [25ta] as the lord of the 5th house rules “national art galleries” [1] among other things so that it is no surprise that the unleashing of primal emotions (eclipse Moon in Scorpio) took place at the Louvre Museum with Mercury now stationing opposite the eclipse. 

The aspect that makes the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio especially difficult is that it is forming a square aspect with Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn grinding its motion to a halt on June 4 speaks to the potential for fears and overwhelming emotions (symbolized by Scorpio) having a dissolving impact upon the required boundaries and often  hypocritical and false behaviour (symbolized by Aquarius). 

The harsh square aspect between the over-civilized behaviour of Aquarius Saturn and the brooding primal anger of the Scorpio eclipse will make things real, forcing to the surface underlying emotional dynamics and previously hidden material that can be utilized to reassess boundaries for future growth. 

In his article Signs that Square: Scorpio and Aquarius, Bil Tierney writes: 

Also, with this combo, we can contain stormy feelings for a long time—hoping that by not releasing them, we deaden their power. Instead, we eventually blow like a volcano, usually at a most inappropriate occasion, and baffle everyone. At that point, even the Aquarius part of us doesn't care how many people witness our major eruption!

Finally, we note that Saturn is conjunct the star Sadr of Cygnus the Swan and the Quasar 2134+004 about which Nick Fiorenza writes: 

This Quasar demands we bring forth our true soul substance, that which is of true value rather than just the superficial skin deep appearances. It challenges us to get real by stripping off the cloaks of any personality-based shenanigans we may wear to reveal our true soul/ heart essence in our involvements. 

