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EU leaders call Putin to urge ceasefire


Two European leaders over the weekend urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to end his country's hostilities in Ukraine and return to the negotiating table as the war nears the 100-day mark. In a Saturday phone call, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz spoke with Putin, asking him to hold "direct" and "serious" talks with his Ukrainian counterpart, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, according to releases from the offices of Macron and Scholz.

Why is there a sudden flurry of activity from the European leaders to get a ceasefire in Donbass? The EU chart is affected by the two upcoming planetary stations. First Mercury stations direct [26ta] on June 3rd right on top of radix Moon [24ta] in the 10th house (leaders). 

Mercury retrograde can literally be translated as “think back.” It presents us with the opportunity to reflect and review, to re-visit issues about which we thought we had made up our minds… We often end up re-doing something that wasn’t done right the first time. 

Then on June 5th Saturn stations rerograde [25aq]. In a previous post, I discussed the EU Saturn return[1]. Here is an edited extract of what I wrote: 

What, if anything, is showing the current crisis in the horoscope of the European Union. Take a look at the EU chart and you will notice that it is going through its first Saturn return. In the radix, Saturn [23aq38] is the apex of a T-square with Mars [24sc06] - Pluto[24sc45] - Moon [24ta19].

Saturn square radix Pluto brings emphasis to address patterns of avoidance or fears to relinquish diminishing modes of living, or fabricating reasons justifying disempowerment and inaction by blaming external conditions. Most of us have not been too aggressive with our Plutonian drives. In this case defiance and rage have not been a part of our repertoire in dealing with power and authority, then this Saturn transit allows us the transformative option of bringing more of our Pluto potential into a concrete, workable form . We get to manifest some of what has been typically kept under wraps because of hidden fears or ignorance of our potential. 

In another post[2] going as far back as 2016, I wrote: 

We can see that over the last couple of years the progressed MC has been triggering the Saturn-Mars-Moon-Pluto T-square in a big way. With a Mars-Saturn-Pluto combination there is always a danger of allowing an authority figure (Saturn) to control (Pluto) how you exercise your own will power (Mars). It is well known that Europe in unable to act independently especially after US Vice President Joe Biden announced that the US had forced EU countries to impose economic sanctions against Russia despite the fact that many of them were opposed to such measures. 

Those moments in time have passed. Still the current planetary movements provide pressure and opportunities to change. But they are no guarantees that the EU will! This is true for individuals too. Most of us choose to die rather than change!


[1] The EU Saturn Return

[2] EU to Dump Russia Sanctions?
