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In Stunning Shift, WaPo Admits Catastrophic-Conditions In Ukraine


With Russia's war in Ukraine now in its fourth month, mainstream media consumers have been treated to seemingly endless headlines and analysis of Russia's extensive military losses. At the same time Ukrainian forces have tended to be lionized and their battlefield prowess romanticized, with essentially zero public information so far being given which details up-to-date Ukrainian force casualties, set-backs, and equipment losses. But for the first time The Washington Post is out with a surprisingly dire and negative assessment of how US-backed and equipped Ukrainian forces are actually fairing.

 Many of us live in a world of delusions. A delusion is defined as a state of irrational belief that holds even when there is strong evidence to the contrary. The ability to distinguish between reality and fiction in one’s own thoughts is an important aspect of development. Reality testing plays a significant role in this process. It is the ability to see a situation for what it really is, rather than what one hopes or fears it might be. 

In this post we examine the US Sibly to see how reality is setting in. Recall that the Sibly Moon [27aq10] is placed in the 3rd house which rules the news media. Currently Saturn is transiting within 2 degrees of the Sibly Moon and is about to station retrograde at [25aq15] on June 5th . 

Saturn transits are times when we want to make things more real, solid and concrete. We are forced to face up to reality and see how things are on a practical level. We may be tested so we can learn from our mistakes and realise our limitations. The house in which Saturn is transiting shows the area of our lives where we need to take a more realistic approach and consolidate our experience. When Saturn transits a natal planet it shows that this particular part of our character is being tested and is ready for a change. In a mundane horoscope the 3rd house among other things rules the news media and the Moon rules the general populace so we can see why the news media and the American people in general are being forced to wake up from their delusions.


Confirming our analysis is the current lunar return chart for the US Sibly. Notice that the Saturn-Moon conjunction is placed prominently on the MC making a hard aspect to Sun-Mercury (retro). About Mercury also stationing to go direct, I wrote in a previous post [1]: 

Mercury’s current retrograde motion lasts from May 10 to June 2, 2022. According to the age-old practice of astrology, we are all influenced by the effect of Mercury in retrograde. Mercury retrograde can literally be translated as “think back.” It presents us with the opportunity to reflect and review, to re-visit issues about which we thought we had made up our minds… We often end up re-doing something that wasn’t done right the first time. 

Finally notice the sharp waning semi-sextile between Saturn and Neptune. Michael R. Meyer interprets this aspect as: 

The end product of the closing cycle is exposed, its successes as well as its failures and partial failures. Nothing escapes the "last judgement" symbolized by this phase. Now everything is shown for what it truly is, warts and all. Time sees through all glamour; we can't hide from cycle's end. During this highly subjective phase, we may succeed in fooling ourselves, but regardless of how much one attempts to put up an attractive facade, in this closing phase the worth of everything is judged by how it meets the needs of the Whole.


[1] Mercury station lifts Ukraine wheat blockage

