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Kissinger advises Ukraine to cede territory


Zelensky rips Kissinger over suggestion Ukraine cede territory to Russia

The New York Times has abandoned the neoconservative demand for victory over Russia: 

“A decisive military victory for Ukraine over Russia, in which Ukraine regains all the territory Russia has seized since 2014, is not a realistic goal. … Russia remains too strong…” 

“… Mr. Biden should also make clear to President Volodymyr Zelensky and his people that there is a limit to how far the United States and NATO will go to confront Russia, and limits to the arms, money and political support they can muster. It is imperative that the Ukrainian government’s decisions be based on a realistic assessment of its means and how much more destruction Ukraine can sustain.” 

Any astrologer could have foreseen this outcome with one look at the Ukraine horoscope. Look at the stellium of planets in the 8th house - Sun, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter. In general, the 8th rules “all matters relating to death, decay, fear, anxiety and loss”. In mundane astrology it refers to national debt. 

But why is Ukraine’s 8th house important now? Well for two reasons. The first and primary reason is the current “solar arc progressed Saturn (2nd house) opposite radix Sun (8th house)” . The second reason is transit Saturn moving through the 2nd house (over radix Moon) and beginning its opposition to the stellium in the 8th

Therefore, it is important to understand what a 2
nd to 8th opposition means. A planet moving through the 2nd can force a planet in the 8th to look deeper at matters of self-worth, finance, resources and all shared experiences. When this house axis is emphasized, one is slowly evolving a deeper understanding of one’s inherent worth (2nd) as opposed to the values of others (8th). Often loss occurs on a material level as this opposition brings about problems about who owns what. 

Kissinger true to form told everyone (at Davos) that it was time to begin negotiations for a settlement with Russia soon even if it means giving up Ukranian territory. Ukraine is furious but Kissinger is simply talking sense, knowing full well that the situation in Ukraine is getting very close to militarily unsalvageable for Ukraine. Then Polish President Andrzej Duda met with Zelensky in Kiev. The slew of agreements the two signed indicate that Warsaw intends to profit handsomely from the war to enhance its politico-military, economic, and cultural influence in western Ukraine. Polish nationals will be allowed to be elected to Ukrainian government bodies and even aim to become constitutional judges. All this implies that Ukrainian is fast becoming a failed state. Warsaw won’t even have to send troops. Call it a soft annexation. 

I hope readers can see how well the major directions (progressions and transits) from the 2nd house to the 8th house elegantly point to the nature of the problem and its solution.


Zelensky rips Kissinger over suggestion Ukraine cede territory to Russia

