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Lunar Eclipse signals Sri Lanka bankruptcy


Sri Lanka’s economy is in dire straits with its usable foreign reserves down to less than $50 million, the country’s finance minister said Wednesday.


 The Scorpio full moon on May 16, 2022 is a total lunar eclipse. The eclipse luminaries complete a challenging T-square aspect to Saturn. Astrologers refer to Saturn as the “headmaster at the school of hard knocks”. So this eclipse is about hardships and the need to take responsibility for our actions.. The nature of the hardship can often be indicated by the house position of Saturn in the eclipse chart. At Colombo, Sri Lanka, the eclipse Moon [25sc] is placed in the 5th house which among other things rules profligacy and wasteful expenditure [2]. The 5th house Moon squares Saturn in the 8th . 

Eighth House In Mundane Astrology:

The national debt [2]

 A 5th to 8th square is an indication of bankruptcy through unwise use of borrowed money.




