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UK to axe 90,000 civil servants


Indians making camp

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday ordered cabinet ministers to significantly reduce departmental staffing levels in a push to lower government spending. According to media reports, the PM has set out plans to terminate up to 90,000 civil servants, which is equivalent to a fifth of Whitehall.



The Scorpio full moon on May 16, 2022 is a total lunar eclipse. While the eclipse is worldwide in its scope, its effect is particularly felt in places where it falls on the horizon or meridian. Notice that the eclipse map drawn for London has it aligned perfectly with the horizon completing a challenging T-square aspect to Saturn. Astrologers refer to Saturn as the “headmaster in the school of hard knocks”. So this is about hardships and the need to take responsibility and face our fears with patience, determination, and emotional maturity. In the national chart of the UK [Jan. 1st, 1801; 0:00 LMT London], the eclipse falls in the 2nd house (finances, money, resources) conjunct the TNP Hades [27sc] indicating decline and consequent difficulties.

The Sabian symbol for the eclipse[26sc] is quite meaningful in the current context. It shows “American Indians making camp after moving into a new territory”. Throughout the ages, hunter-gatherers have commonly relocated and, when making a new camp, expected to be able to do with whatever little was available locally. Cutting down on meaningless expenditure is the first step towards acknowledgement of hardship - often a consequence of moving into a new environment. 

The eclipse is conjunct the Admetus/Uranus midpoint. People can resist (Admetus) change (Uranus). They attempt to endure and "contain" CHANGE are STUBBORN about DOING THINGS THEIR OWN WAY. People PERSEVERE in the effort TO LIVE ACCORDING TO THEIR IDEAS even when things are obviously in decline (Hades). Eventually Uranus energies of change break through long held frustrations and tensions leading to a revision of attitudes or failing which there is a collapse.


Finally we note that the eclipse takes place in the 6th house of the UK solar return chart which among other things rules “civil servants” so that is where the eclipse axe falls!

The Sixth House

Public employees and services such as the civil service.
