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Eclipse unmasks Harvard hypocrisy


In the summer of 2020, after the sensationalized killing of George Floyd burned the words “Black Lives Matter” onto America’s streets and television screens, American institutions of higher learning turned to their offices of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to pledge loyalty to the African American community with cookie-cutter press releases and affirmations. Harvard University, known as the beacon of American higher education, led the way. “Our community stands united in doing everything we can … to be agents of anti-racist social transformation,” wrote the dean of Harvard’s School of Public Health.

 The essay goes on to state the hypocrisy at work: 

Harvard’s suppression of Professor Roland Fryer, newly exposed in a 2022 film by documentarian Rob Montz [1] and a score of articles from prominent thinkers such as Glenn Loury and Stuart Taylor is an egregious example of hypocrisy at work.

The May 16th lunar eclipse significantly aligned with the meridian at Harvard elegantly describes the problem. I urge readers to try and understand the thread connecting this news to a previous post [2]. Dennis Elwell was perhaps the first among astrologers to point out how apparently unrelated events may actually be connected by a deeper principle. 

Astrology is about learning to think in new categories. It embodies a system of new categories that are as different from the ones to which we are habituated, as the warp is from the weft. In this system objects and events that at first sight appear to have nothing whatever to do with each other are shown to be intimately connected. Conversely, things we naturally tend to associate may be distributed otherwise in the astrological scheme. Understanding the world around us depends on our power to perceive patterns of meaning, to make the right connections, recognize what belongs with what. The Cosmic Loom; Dennis Elwell 

Let us start with the following extracts from a previous post [2]. 

The aspect that makes the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio especially difficult is that it is forming a square aspect with Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn grinding its motion to a halt on June 4 speaks to the potential for fears and overwhelming emotions (symbolized by Scorpio) having a dissolving impact upon the required boundaries and often hypocritical and false behaviour (symbolized by Aquarius). [2]

 The air sign Aquarius often appears civilized on the surface but this behaviour can hide the suppressions or repressions of primal Scorpio which have not been dealt with. In its diificult expression, Scorpio energies can manifest as hidden hatred for members of another race or culture. An activated square between Scorpio-Aquarius can then show up as a crisis that brings to light the duplicity of Aquarius. 

The harsh square aspect between the over-civilized behaviour of Aquarius Saturn and the brooding primal anger of the Scorpio eclipse will make things real, forcing to the surface underlying emotional dynamics and previously hidden material that can be utilized to reassess boundaries for future growth. [2] 

Saturn is conjunct the star Sadr of Cygnus the Swan and the Quasar 2134+004 about which Nick Fiorenza writes: This Quasar demands we bring forth our true soul substance, that which is of true value rather than just the superficial skin deep appearances. It challenges us to get real by stripping off the cloaks of any personality-based shenanigans we may wear to reveal our true soul/ heart essence in our involvements. [2]

So much like  Mona Lisa, Harvard which is revered is shown up to be hollow thanks to the eclipse!



[2] Cake Thrown On Mona Lisa Painting




