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Priti Patel’s Sweeping New Threat To Free Expression


Journalists who receive some funding from foreign governments are at risk of committing offences under a bill that carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. The risk also applies to individuals working for civil society organisations such as human rights groups. It would be an offence to disclose leaked information that would prejudice the “safety or interests of” the UK. What constituted such prejudice would be entirely a matter for ministers to decide and there would be no defence to argue that the publication was in the public interest. The sweeping new threat to freedom of expression is contained in the National Security Bill which MPs are due to vote on for the first time today. The Bill is being championed by home secretary Priti Patel. June 6

A well timed national chart is a boon for mundane astrologers. It allows them to look at the news through the lens of major transits and progressions. Presented here is the horoscope of the UK. Notice that Pluto is currently transiting opposite the TNP Poseidon which is part of the radix Admetus-Poseidon-Jupiter combination. The keyphrases for Pluto and Poseidon given below can be put together to understand the real reason behind the new National Security Bill. 


Fascination with one's power to change people and things; power plays and manipulation; Change enacted without consideration of consequences or impact; Alterations made without adequate consideration of impact on self or on others. Revenge from others whose personal interests are threatened by changes. [1]


Propaganda; Social & ideological manipulation; Media [1][2]


Finally note that the lunar eclipse which aligned very significantly with the horizon at London was activated by Mercury and Saturn stations. With the prominent Scorpio S.Node square Aquarius Saturn what we are seeing here is a clash between the desire to control others (Scorpio) and the need for individuals and groups to express their ideas freely (Aquarius)[3]. And of course, the South Node (point of elimination) in Scorpio is about the need to let go of control. 



