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Saturn Stations Retrograde



With Saturn having stationed retrograde all charts mundane or individual in which transit Saturn was placed prominently will go through a major reassessment. As examples here are two mundane charts (a) the lunar eclipse chart at Kiev (b) the US Sibly lunar return.  Notice that both these charts have Saturn in a T-square with the Nodes prominently aligned with the angles. 

The Nodes of the Moon represent the pathway of our soul’s evolutionary journey from the past (the South Node) to the future (the North Node). Saturn rules our conditioning . Its square to the Nodes remindsus how our conditioning is getting in the way of our growth. With the South Node in Scorpio our obsessions to control others ( or even our true self often layered by false beliefs) can become the conditioning that we need to outgrow. In its negative manifestation Scorpio - a fixed water sign - can behave in childish ways, throwing temper tantrums when the world does not give in to our demands. Saturn - the planet associated with reality in its own sign Aquarius - a fixed air sign - can create circumstances where Scorpio finds itself with no option but to accept reality. Saturn breaks down the ego structures that no longer serve us in order to “create” a better version of ourselves. 

About Saturn retrograde, Erin Sullivan writes: 

Wherever Saturn is transiting our horoscope we are moulding and shaping new boundaries and creating dimension and form, but periodically this type of development internalizes and incubates, resulting in a feeling of stuckness and immobility. The retrograde cycle will see

Saturn backtrack over degrees which it has previously contacted while in direct motion. The past and all its attendant characteristics are then reviewed and reflected upon for current effectiveness. The process of evaluation is instigated about two weeks before the actual station-retrograde, during which time the unconscious begins to germinate a seed. If Saturn stations on or within 1 or 2° of orb of a natal planet or angle, it directly affects the growth in that area because Saturn begins to encapsulate the planet, sealing it off, preventing its contamination by external influence. 

The immediate response to the station is usually dead calm, and may pass unnoticed, although there may be hints of restlessness and frustration with the status quo. Depending on what natal contacts are being made, the terminus reached at the station can either be a relief, an oppression or an outright loss. 

All of this would apply to Ukraine and the US through the charts shown above. In passing we note that that Saturn is retrograding over the 7th house cusp (enemies) of Russia’s national chart so that this detail too fits the picture!




