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The US Disinformation Governance Board


Recently the Biden administration in America announced the creation of a Disinformation Governance Board. They then had to backtrack from that after the huge public outcry. Although also saying the backtrack was only temporary. People were calling it a plan for a draconian and illegal Ministry of Truth meant to intimidate people and coerce tech companies to censor politically undesirable speech for them. The critics derided the Democratic Party and the liberal establishment for trying to bypass the 1st amendment in such an obvious and illegal way. The Democrats denied it was for anything other then shoring up the defenses of America against foreign disinformation campaigns.


A national chart like the US Sibly is a treasure house of information. Major transits to the chart elements can explain events in a way that would be surprising to the lay public. Currently Saturn is transiting conjunct the Sibly Moon in the 3rd house (news media) which makes hard aspects to radix Saturn in the 10th house (governing party) and TNP Poseidon (propaganda) and the Sun in the 8th house (hidden motives) . In astrology, the 8th house deals with the shadow-self. If we have not been conscious with the way we have been behaving with others this is the place where life holds up a “psychological mirror.” [1]


Saturn in the US Sibly rules the 3rd house linked to the media and is placed at [14li] amid stars of Corvus - the lying raven [2][3]. 

Corvus is the Latin name for both the raven and the crow and these two birds are usually paired together in mythology. From the same family, their obvious intelligence and ingenuity, as well as their distinctive caw, has given them a widespread association with trickery, storytelling, the relaying of messages, and the serving of self-interest. But the colour of their plumage has also drawn a universal connection with malevolence, sinister forces, and ominous warnings. 

Put the pieces together and we can see real reason behind the creation of a Disinformation Governance Board - an attempt to bypass the 1st amendment in such an obvious and illegal way which is likely to fail. 

Transits to planets in the 8th house often show a need to accept the loss of elements of life that are no longer fruitful or have served their purpose. [1] 


[1] The US “Shadow-self”

[2] Saturn opposes the US Sibly Sun

[3] Crow and Cup
