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Ukraine Fires Own Human Rights Chief For Perpetuating Lies


For over the past two months, an avalanche of stories have hit Western mainstream press which purported to document instances of mass rape carried out by Russian troops against Ukrainian civilians. One particular story in Time took off, driving outrage and condemnation by Western officials and receiving repeat coverage on CNN and other major US networks...And now on Tuesday, Interfax, Politico, The Wall Street Journal, and others are reporting that Lyudmyla Denisova has been fired - precisely for floating and perpetuating fantastical claims of mass rape but without providing evidence.


Presented here is the chart for the upcoming Mercury station on June 3rd drawn for Kiev, Ukraine. Notice that it forms a T-square with the Nodes and Saturn which straddles the horizon so that it is significant for the place.


As Mercury and Saturn prepare to station while in a difficult square aspect that triggers the Scorpio lunar eclipse, we are beginning to see several examples in the news of how this is manifesting. In yesterday’s post we looked at the incident at the Louvre where the suppressed primal passions of Scorpio overpowered the civilized behavior of Aquarius. Here we have an example of Aquarius (often depicted as a human being) overcoming the malicious lies of Scorpio (often depicted as a revengeful and spiteful Scorpion).

 Recall that Mercury, the god Hermes in Greek mythology, was a trickster and cattle thief. Astrology King gives the following advice for Mercury-Saturn aspects: 

Do not rely on the words of others, and be careful with your own. You are likely to say the wrong thing and dig a bigger hole for yourself. 

The news item goes on to report: 

As has been the pattern in prior wars, whether in Syria or Libya, the media claims got more and more sensational and over-the-top as the conflict intensified, and as Western powers became more deeply involved, yet with no concrete or definitive proof. But one consistent detail in the majority of the stories is that the aforementioned Ukraine human rights ombudsman, Lyudmyla Denisova, is often the central figure feeding Western correspondents the shocking rape stories. 

But recently, within the last couple of weeks, as investigators began to dig deeper into the allegations, it seems the media stories started to dry up..... They were disappointed when they found that there was no evidence that any rape had taken place. 

In the current context and even more generally, the Sabian symbol for Saturn is hinting at the way to deal with issues thrown up by “trickster” Mercury. 


KEYNOTE: Skill in applying knowledge of natural laws to the solution of everyday problems resulting from life in our technological society. 

Here we see a man using his analytical mind to check up on the operation of the machines his inventive genius produced. This simple commonplace operation is used here as an indication of how deeply technology involves us in small matters, yet matters which in some circumstances could make the difference between life and death — i.e. a mechanical failure in a car on a crowded freeway. The need for "management" therefore is seen to affect every detail of our individual lives; this applies as well to the complexities of interpersonal, social or political relationships, because our modern society is indeed like a huge machine speeding on dangerous ground. Safety depends on available power.

Saturn in its beneficial expression is associated with getting into details, checking what is real and what is a lie. The garage man using a hydrometer to analyze the condition of the battery is a perfect symbol that resonates with Saturn’s objectivity.

