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May lunar eclipse marks the birth of a new order


Bakunawa - The Moon Eating Dragon from Philippine Mythology

It may be premature, but one suspects that there is a fundamental shift taking place in the balance of power throughout the world. A multipolar system of international relations is now being formed. It is an irreversible process; it is happening before our eyes and is objective in nature. The position of Russia and many other countries is that this democratic, more just world order should be built on the basis of mutual respect and trust, and, of course, on the generally accepted principles of international law and the UN Charter. This is manifesting itself in a variety of different ways. One such clue was the recent meeting (Bali on July 7-8, 2022) of the Foreign Ministers of the G20 group of nations. An attempt to isolate the Russians represented at the conference by their foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, met with complete failure.


Astrologically speaking, this change can be seen through the lens of the last lunar eclipse of May 16th that fell very significantly on the meridian at Bali. The ancients believed that during a lunar eclipse a monstrous dragon was attempting to swallow the moon.The dragon symbolism further links eclipses with the ouroboros imagery of a dragon consuming its own tail, mirroring the dissolution of nature that leads to the arising of new forms. The changes that come during periods of eclipses similarly require us to release fixation upon elements of life passing away, while simultaneously the promise of new forms coming together can be felt.

With Saturn in Aquarius prominently squaring the eclipse axis, it is important to understand the role Aquarius plays in the zodiac. Coming after Capricorn (the established ruling order),Aquarius may see the constructive development of the existing order through inventions, social improvements and the glorification of social equality and togetherness. It may also mean revolution and a complete upheaval of the existing order and the birth of new ideals which the existing State blindly refuses to tolerate, or against which it must fight because it cannot possibly assimilate it. 

In this context, the Sabian symbol for the eclipse Moon is extremely meaningful. 

Scorpio 26 (25° - 26°): American Indians making camp after moving into a new territory 

Perceived reality is nothing more than the accumulated result of our own innumerable affirmations and rejections in everyday dealings with the world. The wherewithal exists for us to do whatever we choose, and to be whomever we decide to become, as long as we have complete faith to do what feels right according to our personal values and preferences. 

This teaching articulates an inexhaustible capacity for repeated self-establishment as our lives and situations move on through the changes. Every new situation is another opportunity to demonstrate that we can cope creatively with whatever comes up. [1] 

In his address to participants of 10th St Petersburg International Legal Forum, Russian President Putin said: 

Some states are not ready to accept losing their supremacy on the international stage, and they are striving to preserve the unjust unipolar model. Under the guise of what they call order based on rules, and other questionable concepts, they try to control and direct global processes at their own discretion, and hold to a course of creating closed blocs and coalitions that make decisions for the benefit of one country, the United States of America. The natural rights of others in international relations are being ignored; the fundamental principle of indivisibility of security is being used selectively. The West’s unilateral, illegitimate sanctions against sovereign states have reached an unprecedented scale. 

This extract summarizes the basis for the changes taking place under the Aquarius Saturn lunar eclipse. A new order is being born and the old must give way. 


