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Uganda discovers gold deposits worth USD 12 trillion


Uganda has announced the discovery of 31 million metric tonnes of gold deposits in the country. A spokesperson from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development in Uganda, Solomon Muyita, said that these reports are aimed at attracting gold miners and investors. In a bid to boost the country’s economy, the Ugandan Government has licensed Wagagai Gold Mining Company, a Chinese firm to start producing gold products in the Busia district. 

Eclipses are known to produce major turning points for individuals as well as nations. Most often they become active at least 6 months prior to their actual occurrence. But as always what matters most are the planets and configurations they bring to the angles at any place.


Here we can see that the chart for the upcoming Oct. 25th solar eclipse at Kampala has Uranus [17ta] on the IC forming a square to Saturn [18aq] on the Ascendant. Many of us think of a Saturn influence in negative terms but when it is in its own sign (now in Aquarius) its manifestations can be very positive. Here in aspect to Uranus it can force a new discovery. 

Uranus [17ta] is conjunct the star Rucha. Delta (δ) Cassiopeia, Rucha [1] is a star on the knee of the Ethiopian Queen. The ancient Roman astrologer Manilius linked the stars of the constellation Cassiopeia with a search for gold and precious metals. 

"From Cassiope come the enhancement of beauty and devices for adorning the body: from gold has been sought the means to give grace to the appearance; precious stones have been spread over head, neck, and hands and golden chains have shone on snow-white feet. What products would a grand lady like Cassiope prefer her sons to handle rather than those she could turn to her own employments? And that material for such employment should not be lacking, she bids men look for gold beneath the ground, uproot all which nature stealthily conceals, and turn earth upside down in search of gain; she bids them detect the treasure in lumps of ore and finally, for all its reluctance, expose it to a sky it has never seen. The son of Cassiope will also count greedily the yellow sands, and drench a dripping beach with a new flood; he will make small weights to measure the tiny grains, or else will collect the wealth of gold-foaming Pactolus [Pactolus]; or he will smelt lumps of silver, separating the hidden metal and causing the mineral to flow forth in a running stream; otherwise he will become a trader of the metals produced by these two craftsmen, ever ready to change coinage of the one metal into wares of the other. Such are the inclinations which Cassiope will fashion in those born under her" [Manilius, Astronomica, book 5, 1st century AD, p.343.]

 Finally note that Uranus is in the 4th house: 

This house also rules hidden treasure and the treasures of the earth, such as mines and minerals, gems, oil, wells and water supplies; Lilly notes: "profit out of the bowels of the Earth" [2] 




