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Uranus reveals Howard Carter stole Tutankhamun's treasure

An amulet from King Tutankhamun's tomb

Howard Carter, the archaeologist who discovered Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922, was long suspected by Egyptians of having helped himself to treasures before the vault was officially opened. But while rumours have swirled for generations, proof has been hard to come by. Now an accusation that Carter handled property "undoubtedly stolen from the tomb" has emerged in a previously unpublished letter sent to him in 1934 by an eminent British scholar within his own excavation team.


Howard Carter (b. 9 May 1874) had a natal Sun [18t] - Pluto [21ta] conjunction. In a recent post Solar Eclipse Uncovers Egyptian Temple [1], I wrote: 

On Aug.4, the date of the news, Mars was transiting over the 4th house cusp [19ta] and Uranus [17ta]. Placed here is the star epsilon Eridani in the constellation Eridanus. The celestial river Eridanus is often depicted flowing backwards symbolizing events from the past. For events connected with the stars in this area, Diana Rosenberg has “discoveries of ancient artifacts” and writes: 

Eridanus, River of Time, confers a love of antiquity: here are Egyptologist/ archaeologist Sir Flinders Petrie, Egyptologist Lord Carnarvon, a discoverer of the tomb of King Tutankhamen.. Saturn was here in 1911when Hiram Bingham discovered the ancient Inca capital at Machu Picchu in the Peruvian Andes. There was a solar eclipse here in 1799 three months before the Rosetta stone was discovered in Egypt; this was noon Moon the day the Aztec Calendar Stone was discovered in Mexico City in 1790; Venus at a 1947 Lunar Eclipse when the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in Palestine. 

The degrees transited by Mars-Uranus are Howard Carter’s radix Sun-Pluto placed amid the stars of Eridanus and those of the “greedy” Queen Cassiopeia [2] so that it is no surprise that he quietly helped himself to Tutankhamun’s treasures. But why are we discovering this theft now? Well for one thing the transit of Uranus - the Great Revealer - over Carter’s Pluto (hidden)- Taurus/Cassiopeia Sun (greed) is just doing his job! 

And if we look at the chart for the Gibbous Moon of Aug. 15th we will see that it provides another reason for why an "amulet" was stolen. The Moon [7ar] is placed in the mundane 5th house ruling “fineries and rich, luxurious things” [3] . In a previous post [4] I wrote: 

Here is the chart for the Waning Gibbous Moon drawn for Cairo, Egypt. Notice that the Moon phase is anchored to a powerful and extremely disruptive Grand Cross that aligns significantly with the meridian at Cairo. The Cross is a Moon Wobble discussed extensively in previous posts with examples of how “it brings suppressed energies in people and Mother Nature to the surface, erupting and disrupting causing “freak accidents” .” 

The new evidence that Carter handled property "undoubtedly stolen from the tomb" is certainly suppressed material revealing itself in some kind of a “freak accident”!!





