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Uranus station retrograde and Ukraine’s chart


Uranus will station to go retrograde on Aug.24 at 18 degrees of Taurus. and will travel less than a degree until October, meaning the influence of Uranus to awaken and challenge our existing paradigms will be at its most powerful. Charts elements affected by the Uranus position are likely to be see sudden changes. 

Erin Sullivan in her book Retrograde Planets describes how Uranus retrograde works: 

Uranus transits suddenly disengage us from what have been secure points of reference. During the direct transit we are increasingly separated from the known, but the subsequent retrograde phase reconnects back to an aspect of ourselves from which we have been cut off and desensitized. 

On some level everyone has a desire to create the perfect system and destroy existing systems. Uranus retrograde phase provoke an internal revolution against systems that no longer support holistic survival. We gradually replace old models with new models as the slow process of the Uranus transit through a house transforms our perspectives. 

Because of Uranus' affiliation with the ‘ideal’, the initial transit can suffuse an individual with a sense of dissatisfaction. All that used to be comforting and stable becomes boring and staid, dull and unbearably stultifying. Suddenly one is no longer contained or bound by convention, but with no alternative pattern to respond to. The lack of containment and inability immediately to re-create security is normally experienced as chaos. However, chaos is the genesis of all things, and the long-term process of the Uranus cycle is gradually to introduce a new perspective.


Presented here is the horoscope of Ukraine. The Uranus station [18ta] falls on the radix Pluto [17sc] - Admetus [15ta] which is significantly aligned with the meridian. 

Admetus-Pluto: long term vindictive drive; to endure in crisis; to attempt to forestall or avoid the inevitable. 

With Uranus station activating Admetus-Pluto we have: 

Attempts to contain/withstand upsets, tension and erratic impulse finally erupts explosively. 

Astrology King [1] makes some more interesting points about the Uranus station: 

Generally, Uranus retrograde is associated with inner changes in response to external change. Uranus retrograde 2022 square Venus and Saturn may lead to instability in relationships, financial markets and politics. 



Recommended reading:

Uranus Station Retrograde in Taurus: The Shaken not Stirred Planet, is Getting Ready to Make a Statement
