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Winter Is Coming For The UK



The outlook for the UK looks increasingly grim. There are few reasons to hope a new government can reverse the mounting consumer fears, stagflation and the growing sense of decline. UK Consumer confidence has collapsed to levels not seen since the 1970s...The country feels like its sinking into a treacle of energy-sucking, suffocating despond. Everything in Britain feels broken: the NHS is too crowded to treat patients, excess death rates show untreated cancers, heart-disease and stokes from lockdown now far outnumber Covid deaths, the police are so overloaded they have stopped even bothering to investigate crime, while airports are blocked, trains don’t work, and it really doesn’t matter because you can’t get a passport or driving licence renewed. As the rains come down, we’re under threat of dire authoritarian punishment if we dare use a garden hose – although to be fair, who is going to arrest you?


Mundane astrologers rely on a national chart and its progressions to understand the issues a country may face. Presented here is the horoscope of the UK. Among secondary or solar arc progressions, the most important is always the progressed Sun. Currently the UK progressed Sun [17le] is moving past an opposition to Venus [16aq] triggering the radix Venus-Saturn-Neptune T-square. With Neptune in the 2nd house (national finances) in hard aspect to Saturn (difficulties) we can see why the solar direction is hinting at hardships for the UK. 

“The country feels like its sinking into a treacle of energy-sucking, suffocating despond.” 

This is exactly how an astrologer would describe a Neptunian period! 

Since solar progressions have an orb of influence that can be roughly 3-4 years, astrologers look to transits to check when these progressions are triggered. In the last few weeks there have been at least the following triggers (a) a Mars-Uranus-Node conjunction at [18ta] that fell opposite the radix Neptune [18sc] (b) transit Saturn retrograding opposite its radix position [23le] will station direct on Oct. 23 at [18aq] square radix Neptune [18sc]. (The Aug.12 Full Moon [19aq] has activated the T.) 

Under a Saturn-Neptune square, disappointment or setbacks can extend or deepen periods of grief or depression that we all experience from hardships. Positively, interactions between Saturn and Neptune can lead to a “sobering up.” Saturn brings the energies of discipline and judgment to balance Neptune’s imaginary and escapist leanings. We may find ourselves in tense moments in which our escapism is brought to our awareness in the harsh light of day. If so, our challenge is to accept this new insight, and take responsibility for the actions that brought us to this place, and start taking steps to change our behavior.
