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Astrology of the Ukraine referendum


Referendums on officially becoming Russian territories have begun in the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk and the Russian-controlled parts of southern Ukraine.


In a previous post Uranus station retrograde and Ukraine’s chart [1], I wrote: 

Uranus will station to go retrograde on Aug.24 at 18 degrees of Taurus. and will travel less than a degree until October, meaning the influence of Uranus to awaken and challenge our existing paradigms will be at its most powerful. Charts elements affected by the Uranus position are likely to be see sudden changes...The Uranus station [18ta] falls on the radix Pluto [17sc] - Admetus [15ta] which is significantly aligned with the meridian. 

Admetus-Pluto: long term vindictive drive; to endure in crisis; to attempt to forestall or avoid the inevitable. 

With Uranus station activating Admetus-Pluto we have: 

Attempts to contain/withstand upsets, tension and erratic impulse finally erupts explosively.

In the Ukraine chart the TNP Cupido is conjunct Pluto on the MC. Martha Wescott interprets this combination as below: 


You'll see shifting power roles within families and other groups, but there's much else, including awareness of: upheavals, power dynamics, control issues and unhealthy emotional patterns in families and groups; situations where family members are in a process of trying to cleanse and heal emotional scars; family role or membership changes. The fact that values have changed will affect families, relationships -- and these "social units" are also due for a catharsis (which means there will be recognition that interactions have become "unhealthy"--if not toxic-- and that there needs to be some "drama" in order for people to return to a place of honesty with themselves and in their dealings with others.)


The Ukrainian regime has resorted to pure terrorism to prevent the votes from happening. Such behavior by the Zelenski regime against its still Ukrainian compatriots will only encourage the people in the four oblast to vote for an alignment with Russia. This is further confirmed by Ukraine’s upcoming lunar return chart which has the now tightening Saturn-Uranus square aligned with the angles. Saturn-Uranus is essentially about control vs freedom [2] 

The Sabian symbol of Uranus [18ta12] on the lunar return MC says it all! 


Raw substance emerges on earth through the interaction of unimaginable forces that can push tectonic plates into mountain ranges and form new continents. Within individuals the same potency is available; those who claim it have access to awesome creative power – the originality which brings new conditions into existence. 


[2] Saturn-Uranus square: Iran Anti-Hijab Protests
