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Liz Truss and UK’s energy crisis


UK Foreign Minister and Conservative Party leader Liz Truss was elected as the next UK Prime Minister on Monday (at 12:38, BST London). Liz Truss will succeed ousted Boris Johnson as British Prime Minister. Liz Truss defeated her rival, former finance minister Rishi Sunak, to win the Tory leadership contest. 

Truss is a democratic fundamentalist who has a very dogmatic understanding of the world. Her brand is built upon overselling Britain’s capabilities, on pretending it is something it is not. Liz Truss said she would be willing to unleash nuclear war if she were to become prime minister. She is not alone among political leaders in the western imperialist states to threaten nuclear annihilation in the past few months if their hegemony and imperial profits were threatened by resistance to their exploitation and control of the globe. 

Nations always get leaders that they deserve. Most often the horoscope of a nation provides clues to why certain leaders come to power. The UK horoscope has been having a long term transit of the TNPs Kronos-Hades over the MC and opposite the Sun. 

Martha Wescott provides the following interpretation: 


Disgust with leadership, government will run rampant. Bits that will be obvious can include: assessments of "stupidity" in executives or leadership......and times when opinions, regardless of how authoritatively asserted, are based on misapprehension, very little information, a key-hole view of a situation-- or on an out and out fallacy. You will be aware of people who are "famous" for all the wrong reasons--Another way to say all this is THAT THERE IS DETERIORATION OF THE EXECUTIVE FUNCTION (in all the ways one can interpret that statement.) Leaders may have trouble planning, exerting leadership, setting priorities or organizing. But there will also be examples that things have to go down before they go up.


With progressed solar arc Pluto in the UK chart [10li] square radix MC [9cn20]/Sun[10cp10] and what follows we will begin to see why leaders would think of unleashing a nuclear war to attain their objectives. 

Astrologer Marjorie Orr [1] has done a good job analyzing Liz Truss’ horoscope. Here we will look at just a couple of things. Truss has a Mars [17ta] - Hades [24ta] conjunction in the 8th house. Our attention is drawn to this combination since transit Uranus is conjunct her radix Mars. And since we know that the powerful Saturn-Uranus transit of 2021-22 falls on her Mars-Hades conjunction we can expect big trouble. 

Here is Martha Wescott on Hades-Mars: 

Watch for proof of the frequent truth of the cliche: Haste makes waste --going off "half cocked" or acting on impulse often won't be productive. Some work or activities will turn out poorly; some efforts will be in vain; some actions will be malicious, derogatory or behind another's back. 

If this combination was positively utilized, Truss would spend time trying to do something (Mars) to correct past mistakes (Hades). The TNP Hades also refers to the poor or the common people and Mars can be anger. Can she deal with public anger? Or can she deal with a “decline (Hades) in the availability of energy (Mars)”! Now we begin to see how leaders are chosen, in the sense that their current directions also symbolically represent the issues being faced by the nation. 

For Hades-Mars, Martha Wescott further adds: 

This is a great time to pour energy into menial chores (pack up that stuff you've been meaning to throw away!) and investigation (even if that only means at the back of your closet!) and to take action to counteract the weight or mistakes of the past. But do watch for "angers" that can turn ugly or operate beneath the surface, and for aggressive behaviors that attempt to undermine or denigrate another. And try to pick up on when people aren't proud of what they have done or are doing so you can point out that those negative feelings are "a sign" that one's actions or work need to be examined and set on a more constructive path. Monitor the physical energy level carefully; it's liable to be a case of "My get up and go has done got down and went "--and sometimes the reason for this will be depression. Periodically the need to combat melancholia or the weight of the past will be strong; there may be times to really combat some level of deterioration.


Finally let us look at the Dec. 4th , 2021, solar eclipse that fell very significantly on the horizon at London implying that it had a special message for the place.  

The eclipse fell on the South Node, in a wide square to Neptune forcing the British to face up to areas of their lives where they may have been deceiving themselves, exposing a blind spot or area in which they have been deluded. The eclipse completes a Yod with Hades-Kronos-Uranus. 

Hades/Kronos/Uranus: And because leaders made mistakes, reacted abruptly claiming their right to independent opinion, they probably made a situation worse. 

Readers may well ask whether this eclipse was active on the day Truss was chosen as PM. Well all we need to do is progress the eclipse chart to Sep. 5th 2022. And sure enough the progressed MC aligns with the eclipse configuration on that date! And if you don’t like progressing the chart, the transit Sun [13vi] squares the eclipse [13sa].

