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Secrets of “forbidden” supernova explosion revealed


The Crab Nebula

In A.D. 1054, a nearby star ran out of fuel and blew up in a dazzling supernova explosion. Though located 6,500 light-years away, the blast was clearly visible in the skies over Earth for 23 days and several hundred nights after. The explosion, now known as SN 1054, was so bright that Chinese astronomers dubbed it a "guest star," while skywatchers in Japan, Iraq and possibly the Americas recorded the explosion's sudden appearance in writing and in stone. But in Europe — which was largely ruled at the time by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine IX and the Christian church — the big, bedazzling explosion in the sky was never mentioned, not even once. Why not? Did the church simply ignore this spontaneous star, or was a more nefarious plot to cover up the reality of the cosmos at play?

 Hopefully regular readers are by now convinced that no event happens without an underlying message. The brillliant English astrologer Dennis Elwell has defined the term multicongruence as the tendency for certain things and conditions to co-occur because they belong together at a higher, unmanifest level. He firmly believed that understanding the world around us depends on our power to perceive patterns of meaning, to make the right connections, recognize what belongs with what. He maintained that astrologers have the responsibility, or rather the awesome privilege, to work towards restoring to humanity the sense of high meaning it has all but lost.


The Byzantine Empire was based at Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul), and at its peak it controlled territory stretching from southern Spain to Syria. SN 1054 is a supernova that was first observed on c. 4 July 1054. The lunar eclipse of May 24th 1054 that occurred just before the supernova event was in hard aspect to the Hades/Pos midpoint. The chart for the event has a T-square of Neptune-Hades-Poseidon aligned with the meridian at the co-ordinates of Constantinople. Martha Wescott interprets as: 

Hades-Poseidon: A religion that accents sin, damnation and punishment (or contributes to the denigration of all that's fine and noble).

Neptune-Poseidon: Expect to recognize evidence of "religious, spiritual or moral SCAMS"--ie., someone either lies about their beliefs or they present themselves as "ethical" when it just ain't the truth. 

Hades-Neptune: Evidence that people employ deceits or pretenses in order to hide secrets. 

We now have transit Pluto completing a Grand Cross with the T-square of Neptune-Hades-Poseidon. In its positive manifestation Pluto can uncover secrets (Hades) that have been lying hidden (Neptune). 

Pluto/Poseidon: The POWER OF NEW IDEAS, the notion that IDEAS can be transformative and cathartic, the potential for one to "change their mind" UTTERLY and about really esoteric and psychological subjects. 

The study mentioned above was published in the August 2022 issue of the European Journal of Science and Theology. So what caused the European researchers to uncover a truth that was deliberately kept hidden for a long time. No prizes for guessing! This is an obvious manifestation of the current Saturn-Uranus square. Overthrow (Uranus) of a old belief that may have been used to control the populace (Saturn). Not convinced? In mid August, the Sun in transit completed a Grand Cross with Uranus-Saturn Poseidon. A chart for the mundane event “Sun opposite Saturn” drawn for Brussels (EU capital) has the Grand Cross aligned perfectly with the meridian.

The remnant of SN 1054, which consists of debris ejected during the explosion, is known as the Crab Nebula. It is located in the sky near the star Zeta Tauri (ζ Tauri). The core of the exploding star formed a pulsar, called the Crab Pulsar (or PSR B0531+21). The nebula and the pulsar that it contains are some of the most studied astronomical objects outside the Solar System. 

At four times the brightness of Venus, this beautiful object in space spoke to all cultures. The Chinese astronomers noted it. European sky gazers were awed by it. The Anasazi in Northwestern New Mexico recorded it in petroglyph at Chaco Canyon. Records indicate that the supernova phenomena was visible in daylight for 23 days, and to the naked eye for 653 days. Imagine, that this critical degree of Gemini remains one of the most cross-cultural astro-archeological icons known. And within that, perhaps this brilliant event can provide the seeds of cross-cultural unity. At least it’s a good thought to uphold [1].

[1] The Soul of the Sky; Philip Sedgwick

