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T-Rex Skeleton Expected Fetch Up To $25 Million At Auction


 A fossilized Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton, estimated to be around 66-68 million years-old, is expected to sell for as much as $25 million in an upcoming auction at Christie's Hong Kong in November. The sale, which will occur on Nov. 30, will mark the first time a T-Rex skeleton is offered at (public) auction in Asia, Christie's said in a Thursday statement.



The phases of the Moon are among the most reliable indicators of events on earth. A Moon phase can act as a local “step down transformer” for powerful energies generated by far away stars and planets that it aspects. To understand how their energies are focused at any place of interest astrologers routinely draw charts of monthly lunations.

Presented here is the chart for the First Quarter Moon of Nov. 30 drawn for Hongkong. The Moon [8pi21] is amid stars which Diana Rosenberg” associates with “fossil and archaeological discoveries. 

Sadachbia was part of Sa’d al-Akhbiyah: Lucky Star of Hidden Things: the Moon was here when the tomb of ancient Egyptian King Tutankhamen containing fabulous treasures was opened in 1923; the Ascendant at the sensational 1938 discovery of a live coelacanth, a 400 million year sourced “fossil fish” thought to have been extinct for the last 50 million years in South Africa and several others. 

But the First Quarter Moon position would be valid for the entire world. What is so special about Hongkong that the auction of the Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton is set to take place there?  Well as regular readers know, what counts most in astrology are the angles (horizon and meridian) that are specific for a place. Here we have Uranus [16ta] on the MC [15ta]. 

Placed here is the star epsilon Eridani in the constellation Eridanus. The celestial river Eridanus is often depicted flowing backwards symbolizing events from the past. For events connected with the stars in this area, Diana Rosenberg has “discoveries of ancient artifacts” and writes: 

Eridanus, River of Time, confers a love of antiquity: here are Egyptologist/ archaeologist Sir Flinders Petrie, Egyptologist Lord Carnarvon, a discoverer of the tomb of King Tutankhamen.. Saturn was here in 1911when Hiram Bingham discovered the ancient Inca capital at Machu Picchu in the Peruvian Andes. There was a solar eclipse here in 1799 three months before the Rosetta stone was discovered in Egypt; this was noon Moon the day the Aztec Calendar Stone was discovered in Mexico City in 1790; Venus at a 1947 Lunar Eclipse when the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in Palestine. [1] 

Finally we note in a 90 degree Uranian astrology sort the FQ Moon = Hades/Apollon. 

Among other things the TNP Apollon is linked to commerce and business while Hades is associated with things from the past e.g. antiques, fossils etc. so that the First Quarter Moon is even hinting at a business setting for the sale of an ancient artifact/ fossil etc.




