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Solar Eclipse and the US Sibly


Astrocartography Map for the US Sibly Pluto


In a previous post [1] on the upcoming solar eclipse, I wrote: 

Eclipses bring changes – a getting rid of the old before the new can come – similar to ‘an opening of the gates’, so to speak. They synchronise with major shifts in consciousness and can act as a seed for future change – where we ‘suddenly see the light’. The operative word in the last sentence is “can” other words only if we are ready and allow it. 

The upcoming solar eclipse [2sc] falls on the US Sibly Hades [1sc] activating the radix Hades square Pluto [27cp] . 

Hades-Pluto: changes (Pluto) that are not for the better but that bring about a decline (Hades); to recognize that ugliness (Hades) is rooted in resentment or a desire for revenge or power (Pluto); problems and decline (Hades) through debt, reliance on credit, and loss of integrity (Pluto). 

Since the TNP Hades is in the Sibly 11th house (friends and allies), the US Pluto return is testing friendships too.  In a previous post [1], I wrote: 

Certain planetary combinations in Germany’s chart are asking it to be more aggressive and “manifest some of what had been kept under wraps because of hidden fears.... A dead end has been reached because of a wrong turn that was taken earlier in life. A positive response would result in a decision to take the leap to another course, another attitude, by means of which a different actuality, life situation and future is created. 

Contrast this supine behaviour of Germany with that of Saudi Arabia which is refusing to listen to US pleas to not cut oil production. In synastry, Sibly Pluto is conjunct Saudi Arabia’s radix Sun-Saturn conjunction on its Ascendant. In [2], I explained how Pluto transit over the Saudi Ascendant could potentially unravel its relationship with the US. 

The solar eclipse is closely conjunct the star Syrma, iota Virginis. Diana Rosenberg writes that the challenge here is “to conquer one’s innermost fears and plunge into the dark unknown” . There are issues of “fear and timidity vs courage”. 

Finally, we notice that Pluto [27cp] is conjunct the newly discovered centaur Amycus [25cp] and the TNO Arawn [25cp] in the US Sibly. Benjamin Adamah provides the following definitions: 

Amycus: Formidable or unscrupulous striving for power. Tendency to manipulate. No real respect for other people’s boundaries. 

Arawn: Being stripped off all appearances and masks. 

Do we see that happening for the US now? An astrocartography map for the Sibly shows the Pluto on the MC line going through Moscow and Riyadh! And not so coincidentally, Pluto on the Descendant line goes through Taipei,Taiwan!! 

That the upcoming eclipse is important for the US can be seen in another way too. The mundane map for the eclipse at Washington DC has Pluto placed significantly on the IC. (4th cusp)

 In Mundane Astrology, the 4th house: [3]

Pluto there may indicate vandalism or crime waves affecting property.

 Since eclipse Pluto is also exactly opposite the MC, an upheaval in US politics and leadership can be expected.




