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Solar Eclipse Calls For Leaving Past Fears Behind


Sabian Symbol: Eclipse On Scorpio 3: Neighbors Help In A House-Raising Party

Eclipses bring changes – a getting rid of the old before the new can come – similar to ‘an opening of the gates’, so to speak. They synchronise with major shifts in consciousness and can act as a seed for future change – where we ‘suddenly see the light’. The operative word in the last sentence is “can” other words only if we are ready and allow it.


To illustrate the essence of the eclipse with an example, I will choose Germany. Why? Because the solar eclipse [2sc] of Oct. 25 falls significantly on the MC at Berlin. In previous posts [1][2], I explained that by allowing itself to be bullied by the US, Germany is getting what it deserves. “if you have no self-respect, why would anybody have any respect for you?” Certain planetary combinations in Germany’s chart were asking it to be more aggressive and “manifest some of what had been kept under wraps because of hidden fears, internal taboos, shame, intimidation or ignorance of potential”. A dead end had been reached because of wrong turn that was taken earlier in life. A positive response would result in a decision to take the leap to another course, another attitude, by means of which a different actuality, life situation and future is created. 

The solar eclipse is closely conjunct the star Syrma, iota Virginis. Diana Rosenberg writes that the challenge here is “to conquer one’s innermost fears and plunge into the dark unknown” . There are issues of “fear and timidity vs courage”. 

The eclipse is closely conjunct Venus. About this conjunction which takes exactly on Oct 22, Gray Crawford writes: 

Venus in Libra is at the end of her Morning Star phase and approaching a liminal rebirth with the Sun on October 22. Her present phase invites engagement with processes of release and renewal, laying old relational issues to rest, being present with difficult emotions that emerge, and undergoing a purgation of old matters that can help bring purification when Venus unites with the Sun. 

During the weeks surrounding the purifying solar conjunction of Venus, pay attention to ways in which you are shedding old values, needs, and desires as well as the ways in which your sense of aesthetics and relational dynamics are transmuting. 

Next we notice that the eclipse is the apex of a YOD formation with Jupiter and the TNP Admetus as the base. Positively a Admetus/Jupiter combination is “good things happen after a long delay”. 

The Sabian symbols of the eclipse (Scorpio 3) and Jupiter (Aries 1) add meaning to our analysis: 

Aries 1 (0°- 1°): A woman rises out of water, a seal rises and embraces her. 


Emergence out of the realm of potentiality ​into the realm of reality 

The vast majority of seeds are not germinated and so fail to realise their potential. In the beginning, to become an individual, we need to emerge from the sea of the collective unconsciousness – to 'leave the womb'. 

Scorpio 3 (2° - 3°): A house raising


There is a strong binding force within a community that is exemplified best by mutual endeavour

"Building a better future working with others in our community" 

Combining the two, I think it means that if we have the power to leave behind the “unconscious” past (the sea..the seal clutching the woman) we will find those who can partner with us to build a new future.



