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The End of Debate


In New York City, world leaders dodged traffic, deranged panhandlers and the city's unique fall funk, to lecture the planet about their views at the United Nations General Assembly. Their theme was the threat that "misinformation" or "disinformation" poses to their power. "Hate speech, misinformation and abuse — targeted especially at women and vulnerable groups — are proliferating," UN Secretary-General António Guterres claimed.


It is no secret that politicians often lie, but consider this ­– they can do so simply by telling the truth. Misleading by "telling the truth" is so pervasive in daily life that a new term has recently been employed by psychologists to describe it: paltering. That it is so widespread in society now gives us more insight into the grey area between truth and lies. 

The United Nations horoscope is based on when the UN Charter came into effect on Oct. 24, 1945; 16:45 EST; Washington DC. Presented here is the UN’s lunar return chart for 15 September 2022 just 5 days before United Nations General Assembly convened and UN Secretary-General António Guterres made his speech on misinformation.


As always planetary combinations that align with the angles are the ones to focus on. Here we have the Sun-Neptune opposition aligned closely with the meridian. And of course regular readers will be aware that this also activates the radix US Sibly Neptune. In a previous post [1], I explained how Neptune works. 

Of all planets Neptune is adept at undermining things from within. In the material world he causes things to decay. And on the spiritual level he will eat away at everything we believe in by discrediting and casting doubt on all that we hold to be true and sacred. But Neptune cannot undermine if he did not at the same time hold before us some ideal to be contrasted with its faulty reality. If a true reality is to be appreciated and outwardly realized then a false reality must be shown up for what it is. When we truly come to understand Neptune, we may find that he is actually the revealer of reality. 

The Sun [25vi] and the MC of the UN lunar return as well as US Sibly Neptune are placed in an area influenced by stars about which Nick Fiorenza writes: 

“ (they)…embody the diversionary tactics, usually of a grandiose scale and glamorous facade, a front large enough to draw attention away from what is really going on by making the masses believe the staged show is what is of extreme importance and of real issue hiding corruption at the highest of levels....the blind and naïve followers -those who are swayed by the diversionary dramatics of their manipulative leaders believe in the mis-information they are being fed”. 

Put the above information alongside astrologer Bill Attride’s delineation below on the US Sibly Neptune transit to understand who has been lying the most and of course the consequences of that: 

Neptune Opposite Neptune, Our Epistemological Crisis 

I noted then, and have mentioned numerous times, that Neptune’s role in the USA chart is of great importance, and the fact that here in 2020 and 2021 transiting Neptune is opposite the USA Neptune, indicates that our “Bubbles of Belief and Reality” are very separate from one another at this time. We are divided in our understanding as to what and who we are as Americans, and we have sorted ourselves into very separate groupings, sectors, and realms, and because of this we cannot agree as to what is True versus False, what is Reality and what is Fantasy. We are as a Nation going through what is known as an Epistemological Crisis, where the very nature of knowledge and truth is in dispute.


[1] Sun-Neptune synod: Unveiling of deceptions


