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The horoscope of Volodymyr Zelensky Part II


Ukraine will not negotiate with Moscow until Putin is replaced as president, Zelensky and his cabinet said. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky refuses to negotiate a peace settlement as long as Vladimir Putin remains president of Russia. He made this claim in a post on his official Telegram channel on Friday.


The horoscope of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky was analyzed in a previous post [1]. Here we look at a few more current directions in his chart. Among these the most significant is transit Saturn conjunct his MC [20aq]. Since radix Hades [25ta] square Saturn [28le] is aligned with the meridian, the Saturn transit and more generally the current Saturn-Uranus square triggers this combination. 

For Hades-Saturn, Martha Wescott has:

You'll also see that "unseen forces," mistakes, negligence, slander, long-term ailments or secrets can drag a person down (and, for some, their reputation, credibility or ambitions with 'em!) 

A Saturn transit in the 10th house can be a difficult time if the transit triggers a difficult combination (e.g. the Hades-Saturn square in this case). About Saturn transiting the 10th house Robert Hand writes: 

This can also be a time of disaster. Negative energies that you have unleashed in the past may have negative consequences now. President Nixon resigned from office during this transit. In the past he had created great opposition, a large body of people who were anxious to see him fall. He also brought about his fall through his own unethical conduct. Saturn's transit through this house is especially dangerous if there are difficult aspects to planets in the tenth house in your natal chart. 

Adding the natal asteroids that aspect the MC we have: 

Psyche [18sc]; Hera [18sc]; Uranus [16sc]; Siva [17aq]; Karma [22aq] 

Given below are interpretations provided by Martha Wescott.



One is particularly sensitive to partners--and to the emotional wreckage that can occur within a relationship. The psychological legacy of childhood (and the model provided by the parents)--as it affects one's ability to form and maintain true adult relationships (without inequities, without fear of infidelity or abandonment)--is too obvious and affects the balance between partners. Relationships can also find that they're the "whipping boy" for one's pain, and people can seek "revenge" for the emotional hurts that the other has caused. 


Folks who have had to contend with so much tension that it has really affected their mental and emotional state; I think you'll hear of people who have a lot of pain due to the erratic, unpredictable, indifferent or abusive behavior of someone. 


I think there will be times when you recognize that there's a level of volatility that can easily and quickly turn to rage, and that when people feel "different," they can become destructive (to themselves and others.) 


I think you'll hear of psychological breakdown --some destructuring of a person's emotional walls and defenses 

From the foregoing, I think we can conclude that Zelensky is currently undergoing a personality disintegration. The upcoming  Oct 23rd Saturn station [19aq] on his MC may begin a period that marks his downfall.



[1] The horoscope of Volodymyr Zelensky
