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Astrology of the secret Russia-US talks


Reports have circulated in Russian media about secret US-Russian talks hosted by Türkiye. The Kommersant daily reported, citing anonymous sources, that the un-announced meeting is allegedly being held on Monday in the Turkish capital Ankara. The outlet reports that Moscow has sent Sergey Naryshkin, director of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service, or SVR, to the talks. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov later confirmed to Russian media that bilateral talks had taken place in Ankara, adding that they were held at the US' initiative.



Eclipses bring changes – a getting rid of the old before the new can come – similar to ‘an opening of the gates’, so to speak. They synchronise with major shifts in consciousness and can act as a seed for future change – where we ‘suddenly see the light’. The operative word in the last sentence is “can” other words only if we are ready and allow it.


The lunar eclipse of Nov. 8 is activating the Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius square that has dominated the astrological landscape since the beginning of 2021. The clash between Saturn and Uranus has correlated with systemic disruptions and collapses across global societies. Individually and collectively we are experiencing drastic and immense changes in life direction. 

In Ukraine’s national chart [Aug.24,1991; 14:31 UT; Kiev] the eclipse aligned very significantly with the meridian.


The Taurus Lunar Eclipse opens the final chapter of the Saturn-Uranus story with a bang. Saturn facing off with Uranus demands change. If we have been in a frantic rush to bring about revolutionary changes (recall the US project in Ukraine), the eclipse setting off Saturn and Uranus will demand coming to practical terms with the larger implications of our choices. Saturn is a firm guide ready to warn us of and steer us away from Uranian pitfalls.


Eclipses can be extremely powerful when they straddle the angles. At Washington, DC the lunar eclipse completes a Grand Cross with the meridian. Progressing the eclipse chart to Nov. 14 brings the Grand Cross to an alignment with the horizon thereby activating it.

After its mobilization of reservists in September Russia will soon have the forces available that are necessary to breach the Ukrainian front lines to then storm through and attack deep behind those lines. 

Perhaps good sense is prevailing in Washington with the realization that refusing to deal with Russia’s security concerns in December 2021 was a mistake. In consequence correcting that stand may be the reason for the sudden desire for negotiations. But Russia may ask for a lot: a pullback of NATO to its 1997 position, four parts of Ukraine to become parts of Russia, a guarantee that Ukraine will never join NATO. 

Saturn [18aq48] is the apex planet in the eclipse T-square and therefore holds the key to the resolution of the difficult energy contained in the T. The Sabian symbol for Saturn is: 

Aquarius 19 (18° - 19°): A forest-fire quenched 

Forest fires may be caused by our carelessness. We may have to cope with a sudden and unexpected situation that we must handle well in order to avoid a destructive outcome. Before the crisis arises we may think we can not cope, but whatever comes to us is within our capacity to handle one way or another. Skill and courage are necessary to bring under control the destructive potential of past carelessness. 

On Nov.14, the very day of the US - Russia negotiations began in Ankara, Saturn in the eclipse T-square moved to [19aq0] for which the Sabian symbol is self-explanatory:


Aquarius 20 (19° - 20°): A big white dove, a message bearer





