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Eclipse highlights the ingenuity of crows




Crows are notoriously clever — the songbirds can use tools, understand the concept of zero and follow basic analogies. Now, a new study suggests that their grasp of one complex cognitive principle in particular is better than that of monkeys and comparable to that of small children.


Eclipses can be extremely powerful when they fall on the angles. The total lunar eclipse of Nov. 8 fell on the meridian at Tübingen, Germany where the study was carried out. Among events connected with the stars that conjoin the Moon, Diana Rosenberg lists “scientific breakthroughs”. This is further reinforced by the fact that the eclipse moon is conjunct Uranus - the planet astrologers associate with new discoveries. 

Moreover,  the asteroid Artemis [15ta] which Martha Wescott associates with animals [1] is conjunct the eclipse Moon and Uranus.  But hold your breath. The eclipse chart is even more specific. The eclipse Sun [16sc00; declination -16d37m] is exactly parallel the star Algorab -16d38m. in the constellation Corvus - the Crow! [2]. 

Can it be a coincidence that the eclipse chart is hinting at a “scientific breakthrough” that is connected to animals and the animal itself is indicated as the Crow?








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