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Eclipse in Eridanus: World Rivers Experience Droughts


The water wars are looming across the world as several major rivers are experiencing drought at the same time. Nov. 8 


Eclipses have caused fear, and are considered a bad omen in many cultures. The news about rivers experiencing drought comes to us exactly on the day of the powerful Nov. 8 total lunar eclipse [16ta00] amid stars of Fornax, the Furnace and the celestial river Eridanus. This combination of the Furnace’s heat and the water’s of the river Eridanus itself is hinting at the drying up of rivers. 

In her book Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana Rosenberg writes: 

These stars marked the Vernal Equinox ca 1200 BCE, the period that marked the fall of the great Bronze Age palace civilizations of the eastern Mediterranean: early in the 12th century BCE, over several decades, key cities throughout the eastern Mediterranean were destroyed, ending the Levantine, Hittite, Trojan and Mycenaean kingdoms, possibly due to military tactics (or migrations, drought, earthquakes, systems collapse) marking the end of the Bronze Age. Set span: 13ta29 to 16ta39.

While the current lunar eclipse on these stars is not as significant and therefore devastating in its implication as the precession of the Vernal Equinox over the same stars, it is responsible for what we are witnessing with regard to the world rivers.
