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Iran Claims It Developed A Hypersonic Missile




Iran's elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps on Thursday (Nov.10) issued a surprising statement claiming that it has developed a hypersonic missile "capable of penetrating all defense systems," according to the words of the commander of the IRGC aerospace unit overseeing the project.


The square between Saturn and Uranus in 2021-22 has been the defining astrological theme of the last two years. Astrological "squares" are known for creating tension between two points . In its evolved expression, Saturn can combine with Uranus bringing the ability to spontaneously change and to create new frontiers in experience and consciousness.


Under Saturn-Uranus if we have been experimenting with our Uranus potential, Saturn can reward our innovative efforts in the form of a final or workable product. Based on Iran’s radix horoscope [1], here is the current Wynn Key Return for Iran. Notice that the Saturn-Uranus square has been activated on the angles just as transit Sun completes a T-square with the combination.


Or if we would like to look at it in another way, a chart for the exact transit Sun square Saturn at Tehran on Nov. 11 has the T-square aligned with the meridian. Again this is a very significant chart made more relevant in our current context with Pluto on the Ascendant conjunct the stars 1,2 Sagittae [24cp;26cp] in the arrow (missile?) of the Archer. 

In a previous post [2], I wrote: 

The Archer [is] often linked to war and military matters. More specifically here, the Archer’s arrow is the ancient equivalent of a modern missile. 

Modern astrologers seldom use the well known concept of mundane squares. When a planet occupies one angle while another planet is on the next angle the two planets are in mundane square irrespective of what degrees they occupy. Here Pluto is on the Ascendant while Uranus is on the IC - a mundane square. Here this implies innovations in missile technology! 


[1] Iran Feb. 1, 1979; 9:28; IT; Tehran



