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Italy Vs France: Meloni Crushes Macron


Synastry is a method of comparing two or more horoscopes. This makes it possible to find the interaspects, i.e. the aspects between the planets and axes of one horoscope to another one. It is an effective and easily understood method, and it can be combined with predictive tools such as progressions and transits. In this post we use synastry to understand the new developments in the relationship between Meloni and Macron.


In Macron’s chart, the progressed Sun [15aq] is completing a Grand Cross with his radix T-square Moon [14ta] - Uranus [14sc] - Mars [11le]. 

Recall that the Total Lunar Eclipse of Nov.8th is conjunct Macron’s Moon and serving as a trigger to his progressed Sun and the Grand Cross. With the Saturn-Uranus square that the eclipse activates we are becoming overwhelmingly swept up inside the collective storms that are sweeping through current events.


Now think of Moon-Uranus-Mars as an angry woman with anti-establishment ideas. Does that sound like Meloni? And sure enough the cosmos creates circumstances so that Macron meets up with Meloni’s whose radix Ascendant [13le] and Saturn [15le] fall right on top of Macron’s Mars shaking up his radix T. Can that really be a coincidence? 

When someone’s Saturn hits my Mars-Uranus that someone is likely to discipline me. Perhaps teach me a few lessons in accountability. 

Moreover, Meloni’s Saturn is conjunct the star Dubhe about which Nick Fiorenza writes: 

Dubhe, Alpha Ursa Major, embodies the pursuit for a greater vision beyond the accepted political-religious dogmas of the human world that keep humanity in darkness and delusion; and against the controlling forces perpetuating that dogmatic rule. 

Finally we notice that Meloni is Leo Ascendant and Moon Sagittarius - a double fire! The November New Moon [1sa] is activating her radix Moon [3sa]. About the New Moon, Gray Crawford writes: 

Sagittarius kindles the fire that warms the spirit and sparks the inspiration needed to persevere through challenges. Sagittarius ignites the burning motivation needed to take action and set things in motion just when we’d thought all had been lost. The Sagittarius New Moon on November 23 brings a welcomed boost of celestial fire to apply toward the bigger picture of what we wish to develop and accomplish in the months ahead. 

And here is the Sabian for the New Moon:  


KEYNOTE: The mobilization of unconscious energies under the pressure of super-personal motives. 

Wind and sea are in constant interplay, and the results of that interplay are inspiring and beautiful. In symbolism, the wind (pneuma is the early Greek word for "spirit") is associated with spiritual dynamism; the stirring of deep energies this dynamism produces obeys cosmic or super-personal rhythms, the power of which is irresistible.
