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What's Behind Peace Signals From Washington


It appears that Washington has changed rhetoric about the Russia-Ukraine conflict, with the US chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff urging negotiations before winter sets in and national security advisers holding talks with Moscow behind the scenes.



In astrology, Mars — the “Red Planet” — symbolizes masculine drives, essentially all experiences of human assertion or aggression and the predictable conflicts of such activities. As such Mars energy is not favourable for anything requiring patience and forbearance, such as negotiation, diplomacy, or compromise (all of which are considered Venusian traits in astrology). 

However, when transiting Mars stations and turns retrograde, all externalized drive and focused energy reverses its direction. The daily progress of which one normally takes no note suddenly becomes filled with effort. The station can be quite an abrupt phenomenon, creating a cessation of interest, drive, energy and focus in what might have been an important project or relationship prior to that station. 

In a Oct. 25 post, Mars retrograde urges diplomacy in Ukraine [1], I explained how retrograding Mars in the US Sibly 7th house was manifesting as frustrations in issues connected with “international warfare” [2]. 

As it moves between [21ge] to [25ge], Mars conjoins the stars Phact, alpha Columba, Al Hecka, zeta Taurus, El Nath, gamma Aurigae, Al Nilam, epsilon Orionis, Alnitak, zeta Orionis. 

About these stars, Diana Rosenberg writes: 

Here powerful aggressive Orion and the angry charging Bull may be held in check by the rein holding Charioteer and peace seeking Dove. 

On Nov. 23, retrograde Mars will be conjunct the Sibly Mars placed amid the stars mentioned above so that it is no surprise to see the US opting for peace (the Dove) option. 



