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Healing through embracing suppressed emotions



A teenage girl's incurable cancer has been cleared from her body in the first use of a revolutionary new type of medicine. All other treatments for Alyssa's leukaemia had failed. So doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital used "base editing" to perform a feat of biological engineering to build her a new living drug.

Mundane horoscopes drawn for the phases of the Moon and exact planetary aspects can be very revealing. Readers would be aware that on Dec. 8th , not only was there a Full Moon but that the Sun reached an exact opposition to retrograde Mars.


Presented here is the chart for the Sun-Mars opposition drawn for London. Notice that Mars which is the ruler of the 5th house (children) is placed in the 8th .The 8th house rules death and the kind of people who die (or are even critically close to dying).  Incidentally it also rules the suppression of  emotions out of fear and anxiety. Here the Moon and Mars [16ge] are conjunct the star Hoedus I [18ge] - the kid goat on the arm of Auriga the Charioteer. Diana Rosenberg links this star to “events and issues connected to children”. 

Going further, the Sun [16sa] is conjunct the star Sabik of Ophiuchus - the medicine man or healer. Given these placements is it at all surprising that Alyssa's leukaemia was cured using “a new living drug”. 

But the healing potential contained in this combination (especially for the young...”kid goats”) actually even I explained in a previous post [1] where I quoted Nick Fiorenza on Sabik. 

Learning to reveal and embrace our emotions is the key to true healing, as this is most often where the blocked energy lies that causes disease. Suppressed e-motion is the resistance to the "motion of experience" in our lives. ....The key overlooked lies between these two aspects of self-- unlocking emotion, where the tension, the resistance to life is held. The suppression of emotion further extends to the denial of our primal and sexual desires, compounded by the zillions of reinforcing beliefs that isolate this innate beautiful sacred experience of carnal intimacy as being wrong--not spiritual, not of Love, not of God. Sabik embodies the primal wisdom of life and its secrets, it inspires embracing the passionate, emotional, and carnal aspects of self..

The message of the Full Moon - Mars synod elaborates on the essence of the powerful total lunar eclipse of Nov. 8th in Taurus - the sign astrologers associate most with a healthy natural way of life. 

But as Gray Crawford points out: 

Venus in Scorpio ruling the Taurus Lunar Eclipse demands some internal processing and descending into hidden depths and places of psyche to attune with the ways in which our internal landscape has been shifting. Venus formed her superior conjunction with the Sun on October 22, and since that time we have been in a process of incubating the new sense of values and desires that will be emerging. Venus will not become visible as an Evening Star for another month, (note Venus is now an Evening Star) and so the changes brought by the eclipse will help facilitate greater awareness for the ways in which we have been internally shifting... 

If we now combine the Sabian symbols for the Taurus lunar eclipse [16ta00] and its ruler Venus [20sc13] a picture begins to emerge that summarizes the foregoing. 


Refusing to depend upon the past, the seeker turns warrior, fighting anew the eternal "Great War. " In seeking further and further clarification of a newly-discovered truth, we are required to develop warrior qualities and fight the real forces of ignorance and get beyond the concepts of good and evil ("morality") that are culturally constructed rather than inherently "true".



One often faces a conflict between one’s own individual sense of value (one’s conscience) and the demands of society. This stage marks a readiness to face the results of a refusal to follow the authoritarian patterns of an aggressive society. All humans have a "will to power" and moral systems generally curtail these by privileging the group over the individual. We are tested to find out how deep and authentic is our conscience; there is no escaping this because spiritual values are at variance with the values of society to a significant degree.



Often an example from real world events can illustrate a point better than long essays. The Nov. 8th lunar eclipse fell conjunct the lower meridian of Ukraine’s national chart activating the radix “Pluto opposite Admetus” combination. Pluto is in on the MC (10th cusp) ruling the government or leaders...while Admetus is on the IC (4th cusp). As the opposite house to the 10th, the 4th house rules “those who oppose (or should oppose?) the government, king, or recognised order”. 

Admetus-Pluto: Situations that have been endured for a long time begin to surface – problems that have been on simmer break into a full rolling boil. Having delayed elimination of intolerable problems, one faces confrontation with self or others and experiences a need for return to integrity – a need to know where one stands (and then to decide if one is willing to stand there!). 

Perhaps this implies that the “opposition” if it still exists or maybe even soldiers in the army need to overthrow the existing government that no longer exists for the benefit of the people! Recall that the eclipse Moon and Uranus are both conjunct radix Admetus --Uranus transiting over Admetus: Eruption of long held tensions.
