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Indonesia bans sex outside marriage


Indonesian lawmakers unanimously passed a sweeping new criminal code on Tuesday that criminalizes sex outside marriage, as part of a tranche of changes that critics say threaten human rights and freedoms in the Southeast Asian country. The new code, which also applies to foreign residents and tourists, bans cohabitation before marriage, apostasy, and provides punishments for insulting the president or expressing views counter to the national ideology. 


The defining aspect of 2021-2022 has been the last quarter square between Saturn and Uranus. Astrological "squares" are known for creating tension between two points — and with this one involving Saturn, the Planet of Rules and Boundaries, and Uranus, the Planet of Freedom and Rebellion, things have been fairly intense. Saturn in its diminished expression can be controlling, wanting to own others and dictate behavior for them. It can be oppressive, righteous stifling all freedom [1]. In its evolved expression, Saturn can combine with Uranus bringing the ability to spontaneously change and to create new frontiers in experience and consciousness [2]. 

Faced with evolutionary challenges (symbolized here by the Saturn-Uranus square), individuals and nations nations can take steps that are regressive[1] or progressive[2]. In this post we shall see how relevant mundane charts applicable to Indonesia are showing the mistake being made by the lawmakers.


We begin by examining the current directions in Indonesia’s national chart. First we note that the Saturn - Uranus square occupies the 5th and 8th house forming a T-square with Sun in the 11th house [3] (parliament/lawmakers). The 5th house is linked to “love affairs, romance, lovemaking, promiscuity, sexual inhibition, immorality, overindulgence and scandals” [4] while the 8th house has rulership over all matters related to “fears, anxieties and losses” [5].Putting the pieces together, fear and anxiety [5] has caused Indonesian lawmakers [4] to squash all matters of the heart as immoral [5].


Going further we notice that on December 1st , Venus and Mars mythologically the two eternal lovers are exactly opposite each and aligned perfectly with the meridian at Jakarta suggesting that the issue of love and relationship would be significant challenge for Indonesia. Here Venus [18sa] on the MC is conjunct the star Sabik about which Nick Fiorenza writes:  

Sabik, on the loins of Ophiuchus, closely conjoins Ras Algethi, the Head of Hercules. Sabik embodies the mysteries (knowledge) of the transmutational power of the alchemical process--the mixing of the primal and carnal forces in our lives as well as to the fundamental elements found in nature, such as botanically-derived elements applied in medicines. Sabik embodies the secrets of wholistic medicine. In contrast to allopathic medicine, which denies the emotional role of dis-ease and dis-cord in our lives and treats symptoms with synthetic chemicals that merely cause more chronic conditions to occur, a negative degenerating spiral downward; wholistic medicine honors all aspects of the body as an intimate and integral system. To address the cause of disease and discord rather than merely treating symptoms we must treat ourselves as a whole beings comprise of a soul with its own patterns, as well as the mental, emotional and physical aspects of self--aspects of self that are not exclusive but are one living integrated system. 

Many people have learned to suppress emotions, and this is not exclusive to allopathic medicine but is based in our establish cultural ways of life passed on by our upbringing. Allopathic medicine is but a extension of this cultural mentality, that is why is sells. Learning to reveal and embrace our emotions is the key to true healing, as this is most often where the blocked energy lies that causes disease. Suppressed e-motion is the resistance to the "motion of experience" in our lives. Many people live in a mental mode and/or a physical mode, obsessed with changing mental beliefs and patterns of thought to over come discord; or conversely, obsessed with extreme physical exercise or nutrition alone to do so, only to find the same discord and disease in their lives. The key overlooked lies between these two aspects of self-- unlocking emotion, where the tension, the resistance to life is held. The suppression of emotion further extends to the denial of our primal and sexual desires, compounded by the zillions of reinforcing beliefs that isolate this innate beautiful sacred experience of carnal intimacy as being wrong--not spiritual, not of Love, not of God. 

Sabik embodies the primal wisdom of life and its secrets, it inspires embracing the passionate, emotional, and carnal aspects of self; and it inspires the discovery of natural cures buy amalgamating the most fundamental and natural aspects of life, it holds the secrets of the "alchemy of self mastery." 

In his book Lost Connections, Johann Hari talks about his decades of work in the fields of trauma and mental health and why he believes that the root of almost everything we suffer through is a severed connection we never figured out how to repair….The biggest problem in most people's lives is trauma, and trauma is what creates a damaged ability to connect with others [6].


[1] Saturn-Uranus square: Iran Anti-Hijab Protests

[2] Saturn-Uranus square: Singapore to scrap anti-gay law




[6] Lost Connections


