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Mars Synod - Full Moon and the Mount Semeru Eruption


Indonesia’s highest volcano on its most densely populated island, Java, has released searing gas clouds and rivers of lava in its latest eruption. Semeru's last major eruption was in December last year and left 51 people dead There were no immediate reports of any casualties from the eruption of the Semeru volcano and Indonesia's transport ministry said that there was no impact on air travel but notices had been sent to two regional airports for vigilance.


The cosmic clock ticking, as planets pursue their motion and form celestial patterns, provides a flavor, a meaning, or a message for each passing minute or for a whole epoch. Among these transits, the Mars synod on Dec.7 at when the Sun reaches an opposition to retrograding Mars is regarded by, astrologers as as a momentous event which colors the period around it. In a strange coincidence, the Full Moon chart drawn for Mount Sumeru brings the Mars-Sun-Moon alignment to the meridian. In plain terms this means the energy of the Mars Full Moon is felt very strongly at the place. 

The Sun [16sg] is conjunct the star Wei, epsilon Scorpi - the Arabic Al Shaula, the Sting. Diana Rosenberg associates this area of stars with earth upheavals and writes: 

Al Shaula can have the effect of driving people out of their homes: this was Venus at a great 1631 eruption of Vesuvius that killed 18,000, Neptune during massive earthquakes near New Madrid, MO, Dec 1811 - Feb 1812, the strongest about 8.7 Richter, “the most violent, prolonged earthquakes in US history,” Moon and Mercury at the 1985 eruption of Nevada del Ruiz that melted its icecap; the mudflow buried Armero, Colombia killing more than 23,000, Uranus in 1985 when a 7.8 Mexico City quake destroyed hundreds of buildings, killing about 7000, the Sun at the 1988 Armenian 6.9 quake that left 25,000 dead.
