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Neptune in Pisces: World's Largest Cylindrical Aquarium Bursts


A 50-foot tall, 264,000-gallon aquarium containing around 1,500 tropical fish burst in the German hotel in the capital of Berlin on Friday, sending fish and water through the lobby and onto the street, along with all sorts of hotel debris - from bellhop trolleys to twisted lamps.


In a previous post [1], I wrote:

Astrologically, there are only a few cosmic events that put Neptune front-and-center among the myriad planetary combinations. Its stations are among them. This occurs when Neptune appears to stand still before it goes into retrograde or direct motion. 

In astrology, Neptune is often considered a planet that’s all about dissolution or weakening of boundaries . In the material world it causes things to decay (e.g. the Keystone pipeline rupture/leak). 

The Neptune station direct took place on Dec. 4 but it was not until Dec. 14 that the Sun formed a square aspect to Neptune thereby releasing its energy so to speak. A chart for the exact Sun-Neptune square drawn for Berlin has it aligned perfectly with the meridian implying that this was one place that would receive the full impact of the Sun-Neptune aspect.

On Friday, Dec. 16 at 5:45 am, the reported time of the collapse, the Sun [24sa] and the Moon [22vi] were forming a T-square with Neptune [22pi] that aligned with the meridian thus becoming the “minute hand” of the cosmic clock, so to speak, that triggered the disaster.

With Neptune in Pisces - the sign of the fishes, is it at all surprising that the walls of an aquarium full of fishes collapsed!

Going a step further we notice that Neptune is conjunct the Uranus/Pluto midpoint. Ebertin’s keyword for Uranus/Pluto is “collapse” and for Neptune “fatigue”. So what might this mean metaphorically for Germany? How much can we give to others (Ukraine?) before we ourselves collapse out of fatigue?But Neptune can also be a sense of “victimization” having been invaded or pushed by a stronger that the Uranus/Pluto “collapse” can be the result of behaving like a “doormat” [2] 

The brillliant English astrologer Dennis Elwell defined the term multicongruence as the tendency for certain things and conditions to co-occur because they belong together at a higher, unmanifest level. He firmly believed that understanding the world around us depends on our power to perceive patterns of meaning, to make the right connections, recognize what belongs with what. He maintained that astrologers have the responsibility, or rather the awesome privilege, to work towards restoring to humanity the sense of high meaning it has all but lost.  

 Hopefully this post along with several others on my blogsite will convince readers that no event happens without an underlying message. 

[1] Some manifestations of Neptune direct

[2] Putin accuses EU of being a doormat for US


