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Twitter Files expose collusion with CIA


The CIA, Pentagon and other US intelligence and law enforcement agencies, referred internally as OGA, were getting increasingly “more aggressive” with their takedown requests, effectively pushing the platform to engage in censorship of foreign policy stories that ran against the Washington-approved narrative, the latest trove of Twitter documents reveals. 

Spearheaded by Taibbi and fellow reporter Bari Weiss, the Twitter Files have been published on a rolling basis with the blessing of the site’s new owner, billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk.



Many events can be explained by what astrologers call the station point. This term refers to the period when a planet slows down and stands relatively still before changing directions, and either starts going backward ("retrograde") or forward ("direct"). On Dec 29th Mercury stations retrograde [24cp] opposite its own place in the US Sibly [24cn] activating the radix “Mercury opposite Pluto”. 

Pluto is the ruler of the Sibly 12th house. Among issues connected with the 12th, Skyscript includes “spies, secret enemies of the nation at home or abroad” [1] 

Mercury-Pluto favors subversive tactics such as propaganda, mind control, threats, intimidation, and other forms of psychological abuse. But it is also a good time for research, investigation, and uncovering secrets. 

This is exactly what Mark Taibbi is doing under the Mercury/Pluto transit.


