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Food and Fuel crises in the EU


Ceres - the Goddess of grain


The worldwide food and fuel crises saw a spike in protests in countries across Europe in 2022, research by the American University has found. 

The English astrologer C.E.O. Carter maintained that in mundane astrology, the chart of the nation or any politically incoporated body must remain dominant. This is the doctrine of Subsumption: horoscopes fall into a hierarchial order, each with less field as one descends, but yet itself being the dominant horoscope of others yet lower down the scale. So for example the horoscope of a nation is higher up in the hierarchial order compared to mundane charts of ingresses, eclipses, planetary conjunctions etc.


Presented here is the chart of the European Union. As always in mundane astrology, the first house (Ascendant) and the Moon represent the public or inhabitants in general. Directions to these significators can help understand the condition of the masses. Currently directed solar arc Uranus-Neptune conjunction [18cp] has reached the Descendant (opposite the Ascendant). Martha Wescott interprets “Neptune-Uranus” as: 

Sudden circumstances that disappoint, undermine or create instability; the sudden onset of weakness or feelings of hopelessness and resignation; to have upsets in connection with trust issues; to see social changes based on perception of victim status and undermining of the social order. 

This is the most important direction in the European Union chart and can be looked upon as the “hour hand” of the cosmic clock. In 2022, the EU went through its first Saturn return [1] with transit Saturn acting as “the minute hand” of the cosmic clock, and moving over the Descendant and triggering the major direction (directed Neptune/Uranus conjunct Descendant). 

Even a cursory look at the EU chart shows that the powerful T-square straddling the horizon axis is the major cause of the problems being faced by the inhabitants. This T-square has been activated by the two directions mentioned above. 

Finally notice that directed solar arc Ceres (food) has in the last two years been conjunct the radix Moon [24ta], opposite Pluto [24sc] and square Saturn [23aq]. An activated Pluto-Saturn combination refers to crisis created by shortage of resources. With Ceres involved one of issues highlighted is a shortage food [2].


[1] The EU Saturn return

[2] Ceres-Saturn: Britons skipping meals

