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Kindness is the Best Cure for Depression


Six of Pentacles

The study, which was conducted by Ohio State student David Cregg and professor of psychology Jennifer Cheavens of the same institution, found that performing acts of kindness could improve one’s anxiety or depression in a way which varies from other therapeutic techniques.


The cosmic clock ticking, as planets pursue their motion and form celestial patterns, provides a flavor, a meaning, or a message for each passing moment in time. Among these transits, the Mars synod on Dec.7 at when the Sun reaches an opposition to retrograding Mars is regarded by, astrologers as as a momentous event which colors the period around it.


The study mentioned in the news was published on 12th Dec. 2022 just five days after the Mars synod. A chart for the synod drawn for the co-ordinates of Ohio State University has the Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Neptune T-square aligned with the angles. 

As with many challenging planetary pairings, Mars and Neptune have very different gifts. Mars represents the principle of individual action and swift force — its nature is self-motivated, unambiguous, direct, and purposeful. And Neptune isn’t just about lies and deception. That is merely its lower, more earth-bound and shadow side. Working in tandem with Mars, Neptune refines the attributes of Mars, softening the competitive edge, the will to assert one’s desires, and the instinct to win. Neptune helps us to envision a far better world filled with a desire to alleviate suffering, transcend self-serving egotism, and cultivate compassion for all. 

Astrologer Adam Gainsburg has described the solar opposition phase of Mars as initiating us into a radical commitment to our authentic vision, as well as reframing the meaningful motivation of Mars from being all about one’s own needs into serving societal needs. 

On the Ascendant [21vi] of the Mars synod chart is the star Denebola, beta leo which Diana Rosenberg associates with “depression”!

The message of the powerful Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 8 is still reverberating long after it has gone. The eclipse [16ta] was in the second decan of Taurus which in the Tarot is linked to the “Six of Pentacles” - a Minor Arcana card that emphasizes the need to give selflessly (see image)
