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Microsoft Services Outages at New Moon “Wobble”



Numerous Microsoft services are experiencing problems early on Wednesday, with thousands of people complaining about the issues on social media. 


Most readers are familiar with tropical astrology which is based upon the seasonal cycle of the Northern Hemisphere. Few in the west are familiar with sidereal astrology which maintains the alignment between signs and constellations via corrective systems known as ayanamsas to allow for the observed precession of the equinoxes. 

The entry of planets into a new constellation is a momentous event in sidereal astrology. On Jan. 24, Saturn entered sidereal Aquarius - a mundane event completely missed out by the followers of tropical astrology.


A chart for Saturn’s ingress into sidereal Aquarius drawn for Redmond, Washington, where Microsoft is headquartered is shown here. As always planets on the angles are the ones to focus on. Here we notice Mercury (computers, software, communication) opposite the TNP Hades (problems, mistakes, messy situations) aligned with the meridian. Both these are in hard aspect to Saturn in Aquarius. 

In addition, on the Ascendant is the asteroid Logos. 

Logos is an ancient Greek philosophical term meaning “the Word”. It represents logic (for which it is the root term) and reason; rational, cognitive thought. The name Logos was given to a TNO (Trans-Neptunian Object) from the Kuiper Belt region of the solar system, near Pluto. Astrologically, Logos represents intelligence, logic and reason. It can refer to linguistic or rhetorical skill, in speech or written form; persuasiveness, eloquence and cogency [1] . 

It should therefore be no surprise to see a company like Microsoft which is essentially ruled by Logos begin to have software issues.


Finally, take a look at the chart for the current New Moon at Redmond, Washington. It is not only aligned with the upper meridian (MC) but also forms the apex of a disruptive T-square with Uranus (computers) and the Nodal axis. The New Moon square the Nodes is a phenomena known as Moon Wobble discussed extensively in previous posts [2]. 

Moon Wobbles were discovered in the 1930's, when research by astrologer Carl Payne Tobey (1902-1980), the original editor of Astrology Magazine, revealed that disasters occur in cycles associated with the conjunction (0°), opposition (180°) and square (90°) from the Sun to the Moon's Node. These powerful contacts occur when the Sun and the Node are in the same sign, or the opposing sign, or when the Sun is in a square aspect to the nodal axis...During Moon Wobble the instability factor is high, resulting in freak accidents. 

Perhaps nothing says it better than the Sabian symbol for the New Moon. 

Aquarius 2 (1° - 2°): An unexpected thunderstorm 

Nature is a constant existential challenge to the works of people; fires, floods and winds tear down our strongest buildings in moments, and time itself erodes everything eventually. By this fact we are reminded of how small and insignificant we and our works are.







