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US admits defeat in Ukraine


An exhausted and defeated soldier

The RAND Corporation, a highly influential elite national security think tank funded directly by the Pentagon, has published a landmark report stating that prolonging the proxy war is actively harming the US and its allies and warning Washington that it should avoid “a protracted conflict” in Ukraine....The US ending its financial, humanitarian and particularly military support promptly would cause Ukraine to completely collapse, and RAND cites several reasons why doing so would be sensible, not least because a Ukrainian victory is regarded as both “improbable” and “unlikely.”..What this proposal ignores is that Western leaders have consistently proven they cannot be trusted to respect or adhere to treaties they have signed and brokered with Russia, such as the Minsk Accords, which former German Chancellor Angela Merkel has admitted were never intended to be implemented, but rather to buy time for Kiev. It may be the case then that Moscow won’t be interested in RAND’s solution at all, and choose instead to finish the war on its own terms.



The famous Pentagon and US government-linked think tank RAND Corporation has finally attempted to inject some rare realism into the Washington establishment’s thinking and planning regarding the Ukraine war. In fact the report is a quiet admission that the war is lost. 

In a previous post Ukraine crisis and the Sibly-Russia synastry [1] I wrote: 

In a natal/ radix chart, Neptune-Mars can describe the ideal or illusion or fantasy (Neptune) of strength and potency (Mars). People may feel extremely vulnerable and weak (Neptune) afraid of being attacked (Mars) when the combination is triggered. 

With transit Neptune [22pi] now forming an opposition to the Sibly Neptune [22vi], the above mentioned direction is triggered. Notice the delusional reports in the US media. The US media, think tanks etc., are so desperate to believe their version of the outcome of the Ukraine war that they are seeing things which have no basis in reality.


Transit Mars is about to return over the US Sibly Mars in direct motion on March 6th 2023 after a long retrograde period. It is quite possible that the US will be staring at defeat in Ukraine coinciding with Mars’ last pass over its radix position in the 7th house - the house ruling “international warfare” [2]. 

When studying astrology, the doctrine of Subsumption should always be applied. That is horoscopes fall into a hierarchial order, each with less field as one descends, but yet itself being the dominant horoscope of others yet lower down the scale. A Primary direction in a horoscope is higher up in the hierarchial order and therefore more dominant than a transit.

The table below gives the Primary directions (Van Dam) in the US Sibly. 


 Sibly - Natal Chart

 4 Jul 1776 NS, 17:10, LMT +5:00:39

 Philadelphia Pennsylvania, 39°N57'08'', 075°W09'51''


Selection: Primary Mundane  (Van Dam)  

P1 (H)     Asp     P2 (H)  Type       Date               Pos1               Pos2      

Sat (7)     Cnj    Mar (7)   Pv-Na   16 Jan 2023   21°Ge22' D   21°Ge22' D

Sat (7)      Sqr     Nep (9) Pv-Na     8 Feb 2024   22°Ge25' D   22°Vi25' D

*** END REPORT ***


Notice the first two directions (a) Saturn conjunct Mars (b) Saturn square Neptune are currently the most important directions. Ebertin interprets the combination of Saturn to Mars/Neptune as: 

Misdirected energy. Unfortunate consequences (defeat?) as a result of a weak will, lasting weakness. 

When we put Ebertin’s statement alongside the fact that Sibly Mars is in the 7th house - it simply means defeat in war. 

Going further, we notice that Saturn will be transiting over the Sibly Moon which forms sesquisquare aspects to radix Sun ruler of the 9th in the 8th and radix Saturn ruler of the 2nd in the 10th triggering the combination. 

Traditional astrology relates the eighth house to crisis and losses and the ninth house to foreign lands. In mundane astrology the eighth house is linked to “danger to the people through war or national disasters” [3]. Can it be that wars in foreign lands create a crisis that leads to severe losses? 

The issues coming under the 8th house are easy to understand if we remember that in the 7th house we join forces with another ( partnerships) so that in the 8th we are confronted with how we deal with joint resources (somewhat similar to the 1st house - 2nd house connection). The negative attributes of the 8th house and the waxing sesquisquare is sharkish social predatorship where we try to steal the resources of another (recall the 8th house connection to divorce settlements). Resonating with the same theme we have Saturn (ruler of 2nd - my money ) in hard aspect to Moon (ruler of 8th - our joint money) and the Sun in the 8th. 

Saturn is now beginning its transit over the Moon and in hard aspect to the Sun. The US as a nation has come to a crisis because of its constant efforts to steal the resources of other nations. 

The Sun is conjunct the asteroids Psyche - Siva. Martha Wescott interprets this combination as: 


I think you'll hear of psychological breakdown --some destructuring of a person's (here the nation’s) emotional walls and defenses. When I talk about "emotional breakdown," I do want to say that I see this as a catharic thing. They "break DOWN" in order to "break THROUGH"--they get "destroyed" so that they can be liberated (from ego entrenchment, from rigid life demands, from too strongly conditioned expectations, and from accrued hurts.)




