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Mercury-Pluto: Deciphering a 2,000-year-old 'lost book'


A 2,000-year-old "lost book" discussing the dynasties that succeeded Alexander the Great may finally be deciphered nearly two millennia after the text was partially destroyed in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79 and, centuries later, handed off to Napoleon Bonaparte.The reason for the breakthrough? Researchers are using machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence, to discern the faint ink on the rolled-up papyrus scroll. 

"It's probably a lost work," Richard Janko, the Gerald F. Else distinguished university professor of classical studies at the University of Michigan, said during a presentation at the joint annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America and the Society for Classical Studies, held in New Orleans last month.




Richard Janko’s findings were presented on January 5-8 in New Orleans, Louisiana just ten days before the Sun’s entry into sidereal Capricorn. A chart for the mundane event drawn for New Orleans is shown here. As always planetary configurations aspecting the angles are the ones to focus on. Aligned with the horizon is Mercury opposite the TNPs Kronos-Hades. 

Mercury/Hades: Ancient (Hades) writings (Mercury)

Hades/Kronos: Famous (Kronos) historical (Hades) figure. 

Mercury [8cp49] is placed amidst stars of the Archer-Centaur long regarded as a symbol of a warrior mounted on horseback (Alexander?). 

As for the Archer, when the foremost portion of his cloak rises, he will give birth to hearts renowned in war and will conduct the conqueror, celebrating great triumphs in the sight of all, to his country's citadels." [Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century AD, book 4, p.267] 

Next we notice that a Sun-Pluto conjunction is one leg of a T-square with Moon-Zeus-Vulcanus straddling the meridian. The Moon [0sc00] is conjunct Alexander’s [1] radix Moon [0sc07]. Today (Feb. 8th) as the news of Richard Janko’s research is published, Mercury is moving towards a conjunction with Pluto placed amid stars of Altair, the Eagle. 

Mercury-Pluto: An indepth research or investigation. 

About Altair, Nick Fiorenza writes: 

Altair is of military force and power. Siderealist Andres Takra adds: “Altair has been associated with kings, emperors, conquerors....”. 


[1] Alexander – the Great: Birthdata Jul. 22, 356 BCE OS; 23:00 LMT; Pella, Macedonia (American Book of Charts p.360-61)
