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Russian offensive begins under the Uranus Full Moon


Romanow Vladimir. 'Invasion'

Ukraine's defence minister has said Russia is preparing a major new offensive, and warned that it could begin as soon as 24 February. Oleksii Reznikov said Moscow had amassed thousands of troops and could "try something" to mark the anniversary of the initial invasion last year.


The horoscope of a nation’s leader is often used to understand events. Presented here is the horoscope of Zelensky - Ukraine’s President - with only the elements relevant to our discussion.

Zelensky has his natal Moon [17le43] square Uranus [16sc04] aligned with the meridian.

The upcoming February 5th Full Moon  [16le40] is conjunct Zelensky’s radix Moon and therefore triggering the radix combination - Moon - Uranus - MC. To better understand what this might mean we can add the asteroids that “pepper” this configuration. These are Toro-Psyche - Siwa. 


A psychological (Psyche) breakdown (Siwa) by a sudden (Uranus) outbreak of hostilities (Toro).


Going a step further here is Zelensky’s precession corrected lunar return chart for February. Here the just separating Full Moon is aligned very significantly with the meridian. The Full Moon being square Uranus is necessitating the shattering of old patterns.
