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Seymour Hersh and the Nord Stream II pipeline revelations


Seymour Hersh

Everyone with a brain already knew the Empire did it. Now Seymour Hersh’s bombshell report not only details how Nord Stream 1 and 2 were attacked, but also names names: from the toxic Straussian neoliberal-con trio Sullivan, Blinken and Nuland all the way to the Teleprompter Reader-in-Chief. Arguably the most incandescent nugget in Hersh’s narrative is to point ultimate responsibility directly at the White House. The CIA, for its part, gets away with it. The whole report may be read as the framing of a scapegoat.


Seymour Hersh is an American investigative reporter and author who has often been labeled a master of governmental expose. He is noted for his award-winning articles on the My Lai massacre, CIA domestic spying and wiretaps, and other major stories. Hersh was born on 8 April 1937 at 08:05 (= 08:05 AM ); Place: Chicago, Illinois, 41n51, 87w39 [1]. and his latest expose How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline was published on Feb. 8. Hersh writes that “the New York Times called it a “mystery,” but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret—until now.”


In this post we study Hersh’s natal horoscope and its derivatives to understand the cosmic forces at work that led to the revelation of the US government’s dirty secret. Hersh has his natal Sun [18ar] (individuality or a person’s essence) conjunct Hades [15ar] (secrets) no surprises that we are looking at horoscope of a person who is into uncovering secrets. Anything else that confirms this? Well he has Pluto (the god of all that is hidden) placed in the 3rd house of journalism - so an investigative reporter? 

Next notice that transit Mars [12ge] has been moving over his Ascendant [13ge] which forms a T-square with Moon [12pi17] opposite Neptune [16vi47]. Mars - Neptune on its own can be interpreted as “actions (Mars) that uncover secrets or something devious (Neptune)” . 


Here is Seymour’s solar return progressed to Feb.8, the date of publication of his article. Notice that the MC has progressed to [11li] triggering the Mars-Saturn hard aspect to the TNPs Kronos-Hades. 

For Mars-Saturn, Ebertin has: 

Mars-Saturn: Harmful or destructive energy often expressed as violence. 

For Kronos-Hades, Martha Wescott writes: 

Kronos-Hades: Secrets (Hades) of the government (Kronos). 

In his essay “Transneptunians as a Transpersonal Evolutionary Sequence” for Hades, the author Blake Finley has “Deficient social conscience or experience. Social predation” so that Kronos-Hades can describe a government or authority that lacks social conscience and is predatory in nature. Recall that the TNPs Kronos-Hades are currently transiting over the US Sibly Sun! 

In Hersh’s solar return, the combination Mars-Saturn is opposite the asteroid Hopi. For this combination Martha has: 


There will be many instances... When you see that people become defensive (US White House?) or angry and assertive (Russia?) because someone feels that they've been the victim of prejudice or have had their territory attacked or invaded--and I mean to include here one's "personal space" as their "territory." 

It should now be easy to put the pieces together to understand the news. 

The Sabian symbol for Hersh’s Moon [12pi17] triggered by the Mars transit. 

Sabian [13 Pisces]: A sword in a museum 

Symbolizes those whose path has shown remarkable determination to overcome obstacles develop an appropriate reputation and stand as an example of courage for others to emulate. 

And finally here is the chart for the Feb.5th Full Moon at Hersh’s birth location - Chicago. Notice the Uranus-Full Moon aligned significantly with the meridian. Remember Uranus is the rebel or the great disruptor which can pull down institutions that have become corrupt.



