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Astrology of the April Solar Eclipse



Eclipses bring about endings and new beginnings with their effects felt strongly in places where they aspect the angles. A chart for the upcoming solar eclipse of April 20th drawn for Kiev, Ukraine has it straddling the meridian. Notice that the eclipse is part of a Grand Cross with Pluto on the MC which in mundane astrology rules the nation’s leader. 

In his book Planets in Transit, Robert Hand writes about transit Pluto conjunct the MC.

With Pluto, what is required is not just success; it must be won properly. If you have had to violate the rules of your game in order to win, this transit is likely to bring you crashing down in failure. 

And more importantly, the eclipse is conjunct Jupiter and square Pluto. About this combination Ebertin has: 

Jupiter/Pluto: loss of social standing...the misfortune to lose everything. 

Now take a look at the US Sibly which is going through its Pluto return. The eclipse along with Jupiter falls in the 5th house square radix Pluto in the 2nd house. 

Second House in Mundane Astrology 

The nation's assets and financial status. The treasury, the exchequer, revenue and all places and activities concerned with money-making; such as banks, the stock exchange, financial institutions, money markets and trade. [1] 

And since one of the attributes of Jupiter and the 5th house is extravagance and risk taking we begin to see how the 2nd- 5th house square is the main reason why banks, stock exchanges and the money market in general having over extended themselves are now collapsing. 

But how about ordinary folks...what challenge, apart from failure following over extension, does this eclipse present for them. 

The eclipse at [29ar] forms a T-square with the centaur Elatus [29li] and the newly discovered Plutino Arawn [28cp]. 

Benjamin Adamah provides the following key ideas for Elatus and Arawn: 


Elatus is the enthusiastic smooth operator who eventually makes a mess of everything (Zelensky?). Projects or deals are not well thought out. A problematic Elatus asks us to “Get Real”. When life depends on the outside world without any legitimacy to the inner core, there is an awkward split between the persona and the “I”. Elatus requires an overcoming of emotional dependency and relationship parasitism (Ukraine-US?). For ordinary folks this might show up as marital or relationship problems stemming from a lack of integrity (see Arawn). 


A complete integration of the persona with integrity so that one’s identity resonates with the purest core homeostasis that the soul can reach in the present incarnation; destroying the separation between image and identity; cutting loose superficial connections; able to recoonect after radical self-purging. 

With Arawn conjunct Pluto and opposite Elatus, it is not too difficult to see the challenge presented by the eclipse..remove all appearances and masks or see your world collapse!






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